第732页 给一位书报员的信
MR No. 732 - Letter to a Colporteur
The Lord's Way of Bringing the Truth to Many.-- I have just received and read your very interesting letter. Thank you for writing. We are indeed glad to hear that you have such encouraging success. I think that this is the Lord's way of bringing the truth to many, and I praise His name for the success that attends your efforts. I know that people will be blessed in reading the books you mention in your letter. I think that Mount of Blessing and Steps to Christ are excellent books. They are small, but both are full of instruction. {9MR 227.1}[1]
E. G. White Sends Books to Help Schools in South.--I am sending you a copy of a letter which I recently received from Brother F. R. Rogers, who for some years has been laboring in the Southern field in connection with the mission schools for colored children. I send you his letter that you may see what requests come to me. I will send Brother Rogers the books he asks for. This shall be my donation to the Vicksburg school. I will also send some books to the Huntsville school. I am glad that I can do this much to help them. {9MR 227.2}[2]
Means Needed for Paradise Valley Sanitarium.--I sent you a letter a day or two ago, asking you to help us to obtain means for the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. The brethren there are pleading with me to solicit means, for unless they receive financial assistance they will be unable to advance in their work. I wrote them that I would endeavor to obtain means for them. I know that you are laboring in a place where it would be difficult to ask for means. But as I thought of the success which the Lord is giving you, I thought that perhaps you could make a donation to the Paradise Valley Sanitarium in its great need. The work is in charge of prudent, intelligent men, who will make a wise use of the means sent them. Will you not do something to help them without delay? If you could not make a gift, perhaps you could make a loan. {9MR 227.3}[3]
I will now leave this matter with you. I hope and pray that you may have success in the dark parts of the earth, where others might fail. Be of good courage in the Lord.-- Letter 307, 1905, pp. 1, 2. (To Walter Harper, October 27, 1905.) White Estate Washington, D. C. July 3, 1979 {9MR 228.1}[4]
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