第1014号 怀爱伦评论C.C.克莱..
MR No. 1014 - Ellen White Comments on The Value of Organization by C. C. Crisler
亲爱的克莱斯勒弟兄:今天上午母亲似乎相当有力,她问有没有什么事需要她关注。我便告诉她你已预备《组织的价值》的文稿,这对麦迪逊学校与基督复临安息日会有组织的工作的关系有影响。母亲说她高兴让我读给她听,我们就读了前26页。{13MR 111.1}[1]
(As reported by W. C. White) Sanitarium, August 3, 1914
Dear Bro. Crisler: This morning Mother seemed to be quite strong and she asked if there was anything needing her attention. Then I told her of the manuscript you had prepared on The Value of Organization, which has a bearing on the relationship of the Madison School to the organized work of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Mother said she would be pleased to have me read it to her, and we read the first 26 pages. {13MR 111.1}[1]
我们读到第十二页倒数第8-4行时,(指工作底稿的页码,不是印出来的小册子的页码。草稿的副本没有保存。)母亲说:“这个应该重述和强调。”第13页,第5行和第6行:“那很重要。要建造礼拜堂和学习机构。”第13页第2段:“工人们以谦卑和爱心造成深刻印象。”17页第一段:“那很好。”第3段:“我对那个言论感到高兴。”20页,最后一段:“这个问题常常这样呈现在我面前。如果谦卑的工人们愿意以大谦卑传达信息,上帝的能力就会使真理深入人们心中。有摆脱真谦卑之路线的危险,这种路线是上帝所嘉许,也是不证自明的。{13MR 111.2}[2]
When we reached page twelve, lines 8-4 from the bottom, [PAGE REFERENCES REFER TO THE WORKING MANUSCRIPT, NOT THE PRINTED PAMPHLET. NO COPIES OF THE DRAFT ARE KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN PRESERVED.] Mother said: "This should be repeated and emphasized." Page 13, lines 5 and 6: "That is important. Meetinghouses will be built and institutions of learning established." Paragraph 2, page 13: "With humility and love the workers make deep impressions." Page 17, first paragraph: "That is good." Paragraph 3: "I am glad of that statement." Page 20, last paragraph: "Frequently this matter has been presented to me in this way. If humble workers will carry the message in great humility, the power of God will set home the truth to the hearts of the people. There is danger of getting out of the line of true humility, which God approves and which proves itself. {13MR 111.2}[2]
“当工人们感到困惑时,但愿他们屈膝恳求上帝使他们清楚地明白祂的真理,人们就会受感动。他们若是持守谦卑路线,上帝的天使就会感动人心,人们就会接受真理,否则他们是不会接受的。这些话是清楚地对我讲的:‘我必造成印象。我必使人们向百姓说出非常重要的话,这些话会造成印象。’{13MR 112.1}[3]
When the workers become confused, let them drop upon their knees and plead with God to make clear the understanding of His truth, and the people will be impressed. If they keep in the line of humility the angels of God will impress hearts, and they will receive the truth, where otherwise they would not. These words were spoken to me distinctly: 'I will make the impressions. I will lead men to speak words of great import to the people, and these words will make their impression.' {13MR 112.1}[3]
“有很大的范围要我们去解决。主耶稣正在使工人们充满祂的灵,也充满悟性,祂希望工人们尽量使真理给人以深刻印象。{13MR 112.2}[4]
There is a large compass for us to work out. The Lord Jesus is imbuing the workers with His Spirit, and with understanding also, and He wants the workers to make the truth as impressive as possible. {13MR 112.2}[4]
“上帝必使祂的话成为人们的一种理智能力。撒但会带来他所能带来的每一点影响,使人心转离真理。要保护每一点,使人们没有借口转离真理,因为接受真理要求他们作出牺牲。{13MR 112.3}[5]
God will make His Word a power of intelligence to the people. Satan will bring every jot and tittle of influence that it is possible for him to bring that will divert minds from the truth. Guard every point so that the people will have no excuse to turn away from the truth, because to accept it requires a sacrifice on their part. {13MR 112.3}[5]
“如果工人们在从事工作时愿意屈膝恳求上帝拯救基督替死的这些人,上帝就会垂听,就会得人归于基督耶稣。”(W.C.怀特)(《文稿》,1914年14号)怀爱伦著作托管委员会1983年9月1日全文发布于美国首都华盛顿{13MR 112.4}[6]
If when engaged in the work the laborers would drop right down on their knees and plead with God to save these souls for whom Christ died, God would hear and souls would be won to Christ Jesus. [W. C. White]--Ms. 14, 1914 White Estate Washington, D. C. September 1, 1983 Entire Manuscript Released {13MR 112.4}[6]
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