第1038号 指望上帝,不要指望人
MR No. 1038 - Look to God, not to Men
每一个因圣灵成圣的人都要亲自指望上帝。人不要指望别人告诉他的本分。那位神圣的向导会预备他的心接受神圣的亮光。圣灵的工作是将上帝的思想深深写在人的心上。“耶和华说:那些日子以后,……我要将我的律法放在他们里面,写在他们心上”(耶31:33)。惟有这种人才是基督的活荐信,不是用笔墨写的,而是用永生上帝的灵写的,不是写在石版上,而是写在心版上。{13MR 245.1}[1]
Every soul that is sanctified by the Holy Spirit will look to God for himself. The human agent will not look to other human agents to be told his duty. The divine Guide will prepare his heart for divine light. The Holy Spirit's work is to write God's thoughts deeply in the heart of man. "After those days, saith the Lord, I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts" [Jeremiah 31:33]. Such alone are Christ's living epistles, written, not with pen and ink, but by the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in the fleshy tables of the heart. {13MR 245.1}[1]
人们若是能看到基督温柔的爱,就不会高举一个人在另一个人之上了。你就不会说主耶稣基督来到我们的世界只为救他们,而是为救我们。在祂里面藏着一切智慧和知识的财宝。祂来要寻找拯救失丧的人。祂走过人们走迷的每一条路。祂达到了人类祸患和不幸的最深处。那么,一个同工有什么权利因擅自认为另一个同工没有在凡事上做他本应该做的而冷落他呢?人啊,要记住你只是一个人!那些在新西兰的人因为他们的法利赛主义,因为他们远离弟兄,撇下他去受魔鬼的试探而要交怎样的账呢?撒但行事要使人丧失对上帝的纯正。{13MR 245.2}[2]
If men could see the tender love of Christ, there would be no lifting up one over another. The Lord Jesus came to our world, you may not say, to save them only, but to save us. In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. He traversed every path where souls were straying. He reached to the very depths of human woe and misery. What right, then, has one fellow laborer to give the cold shoulder to another fellow laborer because he presumes to think that he has not in all things done as he should have done? O man, remember that thou art only a man! What account will those in New Zealand render for their Phariseeism, for standing apart from their brother, leaving him to the devil's temptations? Satan works to rob man of his integrity toward God. {13MR 245.2}[2]
一个人既与基督联合,就能拥有所需要的一切能力。他若本着圣经来就耶稣基督,就会认识到使我们胜了世界的,就是我们的信心。然而他与基督的联合若是藉着有限的人做成的,他就像有限的人一样软弱。使人成为我们神圣责任的监护者是绝对不行的,因为没有美德从人传给人。当一个人受教育和训练去照另一个人告诉他的行事时,他就不再倚赖基督了。(《信函》1897年50号第8-9页,1897年3月12日写于新南威尔士州库兰邦森尼赛德,致A.G.丹尼尔斯,E.R.帕默,W.A.科尔科德)怀爱伦著作托管委员会1983年12月发布于美国首都华盛顿{13MR 245.3}[3]
United with Christ, one may have all the power he needs. If he comes to Jesus Christ in His Word, he will realize that this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. But if his union with Christ is made through finite men, he is as weak as finite man. It will never do to make man the guardian of our sacred responsibilities, for no virtue goes from man to man. When a man is educated and trained to do as another man tells him to do, he ceases to rely on Christ.--Letter 50, 1897, pp. 8-9. (Written March 12, 1897, from "Sunnyside," Cooranbong, NSW, to A. G. Daniells, E. R. Palmer, W. A. Colcord.") White Estate Washington, D. C. December, 1983 {13MR 245.3}[3]
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