第1106号 呼吁纠正错误并让圣灵引..
MR No. 1106 - An Appeal to Right Wrongs and Let the Holy Spirit Lead
你要从哪得着预备,好在主的日子站立得住呢?别无他处,只有俯伏在十字架下。改过迁善为时还不太晚。不要与属血气的商量。不要说:有些事我不明白。当然有。你的心智被蒙蔽了,但迈出你确实看见的一步,然后就能看见下一步。在为时永远太晚之前,要从神圣的祭坛上点着你的灯!要立刻除掉绊脚石,毫不迟延。当上帝帮助你的时候,你就会得到帮助,看见自己的软弱无能和基督的荣耀与威严。{14MR 174.1}[1]
(Written to a church leader, December 31, 1890, from Battle Creek, Michigan.)
Where is your preparation to be obtained that you may stand in the day of the Lord? Nowhere but low at the foot of the cross. Oh, it is not too late for wrongs to be righted. Do not confer with flesh and blood. Do not say, There are some things I do not understand. Of course there are. Your mind is clouded, but take one step that you do see, then you can see another. Oh, kindle your taper from the divine altar before it is everlastingly too late! Remove the stumbling blocks at once without any delay. When God helps you you will be helped to see your own weakness and inefficiency and the glory and majesty of Christ. {14MR 174.1}[1]
上帝的声音在呼唤你,像曾呼唤以利亚一样,要从洞里出来,与上帝站在一起,听祂要对你说什么。当你愿意来到上帝的指导之下时,保惠师就会带你进入一切真理。圣灵的职责是要接过基督口里所出的一切话,并将它们作为活的原则灌输在敞开领受的心里。然后我们才会认识圣父和圣子。(《信函》1890年第40号,第10-11页)怀爱伦著作托管委员会1985年2月7日发布于美国首都华盛顿{14MR 174.2}[2]
The voice of God calls you as it did Elijah. Come out of the cave and stand with God and hear what He will say unto you. When you will come under the divine guidance, the Comforter will lead you into all truth. The office of the Holy Spirit is to take the things of Christ as they fall from His lips, and infuse them as living principles into the hearts opened to receive them. Then we will know both the Father and the Son.--Letter 40, 1890, pp. 10-11. Ellen G. White Estate Washington, D. C. February 7, 1985 {14MR 174.2}[2]
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