第1233号 要为犯错的人认真操劳
MR No. 1233 - Earnest Labor to be Bestowed on the Erring
没有将上帝的公义、怜悯和慈爱很好地融合在品格要素中。总而言之说的太多,太多激烈的言辞和情绪,都是与主毫无关系的,这些激烈的情绪影响了我们虔诚的弟兄们。我不得不直指罪名,谴责罪恶,然后我将这事存在心里,靠基督的灵把它放在那里,凭信心,本着温柔的怜悯和同情为犯错的人作工。我不会丢下他们,任由他们成为撒但试探的玩物。我不会扮演众生之敌的角色,就像约书亚和天使的异象所描绘的。这些生灵是用我救赎主宝血的代价买回来的。人们自己既然易受试探,常犯错误,就不应随意断言另一个谦卑至尘埃之人的案件,凭他们自己的感情或他们弟兄的感情,自行决定犯错的人应表现出多少感情才能得到饶恕,他们是在负起上帝没有要他们负的责任。{16MR 338.1}[1]
(Written April 21, 1887, from Basel, Switzerland, to Elder G. I. Butler.)
There is not the mingling of the elements of character that bring justice and mercy and the love of God into beautiful harmony. There is altogether too much talking, too many strong words and strong feelings that the Lord has nothing to do with, and these strong feelings influence our good brethren. I am compelled to deal plainly, and rebuke sin, and then I have it in my heart, placed there by the Spirit of Christ, to labor in faith, in tender sympathy and compassion, for the erring. I will not let them alone; I will not leave them to become the sport of Satan's temptations. I will not myself act the part of the adversary of souls, as is represented by Joshua and the angel. Souls cost the price of my Redeemer's blood. When men, themselves liable to temptation--erring mortals--shall be free to pronounce upon another's case, who is humbled in the dust, and shall take it on themselves to decide by their own feelings or the feelings of their brethren just how much feeling the erring one should manifest to be pardoned, they are taking on themselves that which God has not required of them. {16MR 338.1}[1]
当我知道有些人已陷入大罪,而我们已与他们同工并为他们作工,上帝后来也悦纳了他们的工作时,当这些人恳求我任由他们,别再为他们背负重担时,我说过:“我不会放弃你们!你们必须积聚力量以得胜。”这些人目前都在积极侍奉上帝。要么对他们采取的这种做法是错的,要么现在的做法就不是基督在类似的情况下会采取的做法。{16MR 338.2}[2]
When I know that there are those who have fallen into great sin, but we have labored with and for them, and God has afterward accepted their labors, when these have pleaded for me to let them go and to not burden myself for them, I have said, "I will not give you up; you must gather strength to overcome." These men are now in active service. [Either] this course toward them was wrong, or the course that is now pursued is not that which Jesus would pursue under similar circumstances. {16MR 338.2}[2]
我们的心若更加充分地被上帝的灵充满,我们就会有祂融化人心的爱,就会以属灵的能力作工,恢复犯错的人,不把他们丢在撒但的控制之下。我们需要心地善良的宗教和神圣的智慧来对待人心,使我们不单单只会用恒久忍耐和要道督责人、指责人、劝诫人,而且会用我们信心的膀臂抱住犯错的人,把他们带到基督的十字架前。我们必须使他们与赦罪的救主联络。{16MR 339.1}[3]
If our hearts were more fully imbued with the Spirit of God, we should have His melting love, and should work with spiritual power to restore the erring and not leave them under Satan's control. We need good, heart religion and divine wisdom to deal with human minds, that we shall not only reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine, but we shall take the erring in our arms of faith and bear them to the cross of Christ. We must bring them in contact with the sin-pardoning Saviour. {16MR 339.1}[3]
我看到人们很少有聪明技巧、很少舍己和自我牺牲去拯救被撒但陷害的人,就更加感到痛苦。我看到冷酷的法利赛精神,对近在咫尺的被众生之敌欺骗的人拒之千里,于是就想:如果耶稣也这样对待我们个人,会怎么样呢?这种冷淡和缺乏同情的精神是否在我们中间蔓延滋长呢?若是,我的弟兄们必须原谅我;我不能与他们同工。我不愿与这种管理有份。{16MR 339.2}[4]
I am more pained than I can express to see so little aptitude and skill, [so little] self-denial and self-sacrifice, to save souls that are ensnared by Satan. I see such a cold Phariseeism cherished, holding off at arm's length the one who has been deluded by the adversary of souls, and then I think, What if Jesus treated us individually in this way? Is this spirit of coldness and lack of sympathy to grow among us? If so, my brethren must excuse me; I cannot labor with them. I will not be a party in this kind of management. {16MR 339.2}[4]
我想起牧人寻找迷失的羊和浪子的故事。我希望这些比喻在我心中脑中生发影响。我想起耶稣——祂向犯错堕落的人表现了何等的慈爱和温柔啊!于是我又想到人对落入试探之中的弟兄所宣布的严厉制裁,我心里感到很难过。我看到人的心刚硬如铁,就想我们应当祈祷能有一颗肉心。我多么渴望耶稣降临啊!我多么渴望祂来整顿局面啊。主耶稣啊,我愿你来,愿你快来。这是我的祈祷。(《信函》1887年16a号)怀爱伦著作托管委员会1987年4月6日全文发表于美国首都华盛顿。{16MR 339.3}[5]
I call to mind the shepherd hunting the lost sheep, and [the story of] the prodigal son. I want those parables to have their influence upon my heart and mind. I think of Jesus--what love and tenderness He manifested for erring, fallen man; and then I think of the severe judgment one pronounces upon his brother who has fallen under temptation, and my heart becomes sick. I see the iron in hearts, and think we should pray for hearts of flesh. Oh, how I long for Jesus to come! How I long for Him to set things in order! Come, Lord Jesus, and come quickly, is my prayer.--Letter 16a, 1887. Ellen G. White Estate Washington, D. C. April 6, 1987. Entire Letter. {16MR 339.3}[5]
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