第1345号 关于W.C.怀特和J.H.凯洛格的一个异梦
MR No. 1345 - A Dream About W. C. White and J. H. Kellogg
星期三夜里我得了一个异梦。梦中我在准备参加一次重要的聚会,我们在那里期待遇见凯洛格医生和W.C.怀特。威利意外地进入房间,我惊喜地欢迎他。他的面容有了一种完全的改变。他说:“母亲,我得着它了;我在耶稣基督里得着了平安、安息和丰盛。我现在前所未有地知道住在基督里是什么意思了。我的心,我的脑,我的肉体,都是主的。我的意志要遵行上帝的旨意。我感到一种新的属灵的生命,而且凡有这种属灵生命的人都‘向上帝是活的’(罗6:11)。对于每一颗相信的心,基督是实体,是生命的源头。”{18MR 286.1}[1]
(Written Dec. 30, 1896, at "Sunnyside," Cooranbong, N.S.W.)
On Wednesday night I had a dream. In my dream I was preparing to attend an important meeting where we were expecting to meet Dr. Kellogg and W. C. White. Willie came into the room unexpectedly, and I was surprised and glad to greet him. There was altogether a changed look on his countenance. He said, "Mother, I have it; I have found peace and rest and fullness in Jesus Christ. I know now, as never before, what it means to abide in Christ. My heart, my mind, my flesh, are all the Lord's. My will is to do the will of God. I feel a new and spiritual life, and all who have this spiritual life are 'alive unto God.' Christ is the very substance, the fountain of life, to every believing heart." {18MR 286.1}[1]
“我感到公义日头的明亮光线照在我心中。我认识到我是在上帝面前,在从不打盹从不睡觉之主的保护之下。我知道在上帝里面我活着,而且我走的每一步,我心脏的每一次跳动,脉搏的每一个动作,都是祂能力的作为。我前所未有地意识到祂的保护关怀。”{18MR 286.2}[2]
I feel the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness shining in my heart. I realize that I am in the presence of God, under the protection of One who never slumbers nor sleeps. I know that in God I live, and that every step I take, every beat of my heart, every motion of my pulse, is the action of His power. As never before I am alive to a sense of His preserving care. {18MR 286.2}[2]
然后门开了,凯洛格医生进来,他同样容光焕发。威利挽着医生的胳膊,说:“主已赐给我们二人一种开明的丰富的经验。我们一直在学习我们自己无法帮助心灵或身体,怎么努力都不行。然而现在我们能说:‘因此我要放下自己,安静睡眠;我也要醒来,因为耶和华扶持我。’我们既然活着意识到上帝的同在,就是向祂的眷爱活着。这对我们来说比地上最伟大人物的赞美或尊荣更宝贵。”{18MR 286.3}[3]
Then the door opened, and Dr. Kellogg came in, the very same light shining in his countenance. Willie linked his arm in that of the doctor's, and said, "The Lord has given us both an advanced and rich experience. We have been learning that we ourselves cannot help soul or body, try as hard as we may. But now we can say, 'I will therefore lay me down, and take quiet sleep; and I will awake, for the Lord sustaineth me.' Being alive to a sense of God's presence, we are alive to His favor. It is more precious to us than the praise or honor of the greatest men of the earth." {18MR 286.3}[3]
“耶和华已经向我们仰脸光照我们。现在我们要前所未有地叫人知道上帝。我们的谈吐将会是在天上的,我们会吸引人归向祂的优美可爱。我们成功的指望在于我们带到人们面前的真理,在每一方面的预言历史中介绍它,用髑髅地十字架之奇事的简明展示逐步将人带到时间结束。救主在髑髅地十字架上表现的爱维护了上帝律法的不变性。在那里律法显为大。而且祂的恩典、祂的平安、祂的赦免和永生是给所有顺从之人的。十字架上的牺牲给凡愿意仰望基督而得活的人买来了不朽永生的冠冕。”{18MR 287.1}[4]
The Lord has lifted upon us the light of His countenance. Now we will make known God as never before. Our conversation will be in heaven, and we will draw souls to His attractive loveliness. Our hope of success is in the truth we bring before the people, presenting it in every line in prophetic history, leading step by step to the close of time with the simple exhibitions of the wonders of the cross of Calvary. Truth is a continually increasing power. The love displayed by the Saviour on Calvary's cross vindicates the immutability of the law of God. There is seen the law magnified. And His grace, His peace, His pardon, and eternal life are for all who are obedient. That sacrifice on the cross purchased the crown of immortality for all who will look unto Christ and live. {18MR 287.1}[4]
我还有两页但我不能停下来去找它们。我若是能找到就会将它们寄给你。然而让我告诉你吧,上帝的能力在你们二人身上,表达在你们的面容上。你们不住地说:“我们在基督耶稣里是合一的。”(《文稿》1896年42号)怀爱伦著作托管委员会1988年1月22日全文发表于美国首都华盛顿。{18MR 287.2}[5]
I have two more pages but I cannot stop to find them. I will send them if I can. But let me tell you, the power of God was upon you both, and expressed in your countenances. You kept saying, "We are one in Christ Jesus."--Ms 42, 1896. Ellen G. White Estate Washington, D. C. Jan. 22, 1988. Entire Ms. {18MR 287.2}[5]
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