12月7日 挪亚坚定一移的顺从
Noah’s Unwavering Obedience, December 7
“挪亚是个义人,在当时的世代是个完全人。挪亚与上帝同行”(创6:9)。[1]{FH 353.1}
Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.Genesis 6:9.{FH 353.1}[1]
挪亚的信心在不信的世界中显得何等单纯和天真啊。……他的信心藉着他的行为得以成全。他给世人留下了一个相信上帝话语的榜样。他开始按照上帝的指示建造方舟,在旱地上造一艘巨大的船。许多人从各方各处来观看这一件希奇的事,……来听这个独特的人所讲诚恳热切的话;看来他相信自己所说的每一句话。……挪亚的话带着能力,因为这是上帝藉着祂的仆人向人类发言。有一些人曾深受感动,原想听从这警告;但是又有那么多人在那里嘲笑讥诮这恳劝并警告人悔改的信息,所以他们就感染了这同样的精神,竟抗拒了慈爱的邀请,……不久就列在那些最大胆,最傲慢的讥诮者之中;因为那些曾一度接受真光而后拒绝上帝圣灵感动的人,是最不受约束,最容易坠入罪恶的。挪亚虽在流行的轻视与嘲笑,普遍的罪恶与悖逆之中,却因圣洁的纯正和毫不动摇的顺从而显得与众不同。……他虽在世界,却不属世界。挪亚因坚定地忠于上帝的话而成了世人轻视嘲笑的对象。……[2]{FH 353.2}
How simple and childlike amid the unbelief of the world was the faith of Noah.... His faith was perfected by his works. He gave to the world an example in believing just what God had said. He commenced under the directions of God to construct the ark, an immense boat, on dry ground. Multitudes came from every direction to see this strange sight ... and to hear the earnest, fervent words of this singular man who seemed to believe every word he uttered.... A power attended the words of Noah, for it was the voice of God to the people through His servant. Some were deeply convicted and would have heeded the words of warning, but there were so many to jest and ridicule the message of entreaty and warning to repentance that they partook of the same spirit, resisted the invitations of mercy, ... and were soon among the boldest and most defiant scoffers; for none are as reckless and will go to such lengths in sin as those who have once had light, who have been convicted and resisted the Spirit of God. Amid popular contempt and ridicule, amid universal wickedness and disobedience, Noah distinguished himself by his holy integrity and unwavering obedience.... He was one in the world, but not one of the world. Noah made himself the object of contempt and ridicule by his steadfast adherence to the words of God....{FH 353.2}[2]
一方面是上帝的声音在藉着挪亚恳劝人警告人,谴责罪恶和罪孽。另一方面,撒但也没有沉睡,而是在集结自己的势力。……挪亚受到了试炼和考验。世上的伟人们反对他,所谓的哲学家和科学家们反对他,设法向他说明他的信息不可能是真的,但他的声音没有止息。他继续恳切地说出警告的话达一百二十年之久,他干劲十足地建造方舟,也是对他警告的有力支持。……上帝的灵在恳劝人,要引导他们接受和相信真理,但是他们也听到了撒但的建议。他们自己邪恶的心更倾向与谎言之父的诡辩产生共鸣,不愿响应无限慈爱的恳求。他们在听到警告之后,依旧我行我素,漠视和轻看上帝的严肃警告。……[3]{FH 353.3}
While the voice of God, through Noah, was making itself heard in entreaties and warnings in condemnation of sin and iniquity, Satan was not asleep; he was mustering his forces.... Noah was tested and proved. Opposition met him from the great men of the world, from philosophers and men of science, so-called, who tried to show him that his message could not be true, but his voice was not silenced; one hundred and twenty years the words of warning continued to be heard in earnest tones and were sustained by his energetic work upon the ark.... God’s Spirit was striving with the people to lead them to accept and believe the truth, but Satan’s suggestions were also heeded; their own wicked hearts were more inclined to harmonize with the sophistry of the father of lies than with the pleadings of infinite love. They manifested their indifference and contempt of the solemn warnings of God in doing the same as they had done before the warning had been given....{FH 353.3}[3]
基督告诉我们,祂在天云中显现的日子,就象挪亚的日子。——《时兆》,1877年12月20日。[4]{FH 353.4}
The days of Noah, Christ tells us, were as the days prior to His appearing in the clouds of heaven.—Signs of the Times, December 20, 1877.{FH 353.4}[4]
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