4月14日 对一种败坏食欲的警告
Warnings Against a Depraved Appetite, April 14
“巴不得我们早死在埃及地、耶和华的手下;那时我们坐在肉锅旁边,吃得饱足。你们将我们领出来,到这旷野,是要叫这全会众都饿死啊”(出16:3)!{CTr 111.1}[1]
Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth ... to kill this whole assembly with hunger.Exodus 16:3.{CTr 111.1}[1]
上帝计划赐大福给祂的子民。祂要带他们来到美地。这块富饶肥沃的土地被称为流奶与蜜之地。倘若他们顺从上帝的要求,上帝会让他们成为一个国富民强的健康民族。以色列人曾吃过的埃及佳肴美食,不是最有利于他们的健康。上帝计划带领他们经过旷野,进入祂所应许赐给他们的美地。在他们的旅途上,祂要除去他们的肉食习惯,代之以一种简单健康的食物,让他们在迦南美定居,成为一个强大的民族,在各支派中没有软弱的男女老少。……{CTr 111.2}[2]
God designed to bestow great blessings upon His people. He purposed to bring them to a good land, which for its richness and fertility was called a land flowing with milk and honey. God designed to establish them there as a healthful, strong, and mighty people if they would submit to His requirements. The people of Israel had lived upon rich and luxurious food in Egypt, not the most healthful for them, and God would bring them through the wilderness to the good land He had promised them. In their travels [He] would remove from them flesh meats and give them a simple yet healthful quality of food and establish them in the good land of Canaan, a powerful people with not a feeble man, woman, or child in all their tribes....{CTr 111.2}[2]
自从夏娃在伊甸园中因着不节制,想满足口腹之欲而堕落以后,这种罪恶就充斥人类的家庭。夏娃在犯罪之后,说服她的丈夫也吃。亚当不像夏娃那么受骗,但他受了妻子的影响,做了她所做的事情,冒着风险吃了,因为她说没有什么害处。亚当屈从了他妻子的试探,他受不了与妻子分离。他吃了,背离了忠贞。这个不幸的事件把罪带入我们的世界。此后不节制、放纵食欲和一个人对另一个人的不良影响,为世界累积了许多痛苦,是笔墨所难以形容的。撒但试探堕落的世人最为成功的,莫过于藉着食欲。{CTr 111.3}[3]
Since the fall of Eve in Eden through intemperate desire to gratify the taste, this has been the prevailing sin of the human family. Eve, after her transgression, prevailed upon her husband to eat also. Adam was not deceived as was Eve, but he was influenced by her to do as she had done—eat and risk the consequences since no harm, she said, had come to her. Adam yielded to the temptations of his wife. He could not endure to be separated from her. He ate and fell from his integrity. Since this lamentable occurrence—which has introduced sin into our world—intemperate, lustful appetite, and the power of influence that one in the wrong exerts over another, have brought an accumulation of misery that it is not possible for language to describe. In no other way has Satan come with his temptations to fallen humankind as successfully as through the appetite.{CTr 111.3}[3]
以色列人在旷野漂流时经常背逆和反叛,因为他们败坏的食欲得不到放纵。摩西最大的困惑和心中的悲痛,是以色列人不住的埋怨,因上帝为了他们的益处而不让他们吃肉。{CTr 111.4}[4]
In their journeyings through the wilderness, rebellion and insurrection were continually arising in the armies of Israel because their depraved appetites would not be indulged. Moses was brought into the greatest perplexity and his heart made sad through the continual murmurings of the children of Israel because God, for their own good, withheld from them flesh meats.{CTr 111.4}[4]
他们不住地想象苦难和灾祸的发生。他们猜忌摩西,认为他带领他们出埃及也许怀有自私的动机,他可能想把他们带进旷野,死在那儿,以便攫取他们的财产。(Manuscript 1885.32){CTr 111.5}[5]
They were continually imagining trouble and anticipating evil. They were jealous of Moses, thinking that he might have selfish motives in leading them from Egypt, that it might be his desire to lead them into the wilderness so that they might perish there, and he enrich himself with their possessions.—Manuscript 32, 1885.{CTr 111.5}[5]
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