4月16日 自洁应是基督徒人生的标志
Cleanliness Should Mark the Life of a Christian, April 16
“耶和华又对摩西说:‘你往百姓那里去,叫他们今天明天自洁,又叫他们洗衣服’”(出19:10)。{CTr 113.1}[1]
And the Lord said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes.Exodus 19:10.{CTr 113.1}[1]
错误的卫生习惯导致了大部分的疾病。秩序和清洁是天国的定律。当耶和华要在西奈山颁布祂的律法时,祂在这方面给了摩西非常严格的指示。……他们受指示这么做,免得带着不洁的状态来到上帝面前。祂是有秩序的上帝;祂要求祂的子民有秩序与清洁。{CTr 113.2}[2]
Incorrect personal habits are among the most prolific causes of disease. Order and cleanliness are laws of heaven. The directions given to Moses when the Lord was about to declare His law upon Mount Sinai were very strict in this respect.... They were directed to do this, lest there should be impurity about them as they should come before God. He is a God of order, and He requires order and cleanliness in His people.{CTr 113.2}[2]
以色列民在任何场合下都不可衣着或身体不洁。凡是有任何不洁的人,都必须留在营外直到傍晚,然后他们需要自洁和洗净他们的衣着,才能回来。他们还奉命将垃圾远远送离营外。……{CTr 113.3}[3]
On no occasion were the children of Israel to allow impurities to remain upon their clothing or their persons. Those who had any uncleanness were to be shut out of the camp until the evening and then were required to cleanse themselves and their clothing before they could return. They were also commanded to carry all their refuse to a distance from the camp....{CTr 113.3}[3]
上帝对祂现代子民的要求并不亚于祂对古以色列人的要求。在旷野旅行,常年处于户外的人尚且需要这样的洁净,我们这些住在室内的人就更加需要了,因为不洁更容易看到,不健康的影响也更大。{CTr 113.4}[4]
The Lord requires no less of His people now than He did anciently. If cleanliness was so necessary to those journeying in the wilderness, who were in the open air nearly all the time, it is no less necessary to us, who live in close houses, where impurities are more observable and have a more unhealthful influence.{CTr 113.4}[4]
西奈山所颁布的道德律法,在习惯不整洁和肮脏的人心中是没有位置的。既然以色列民在没有清洁的身体和衣着的情况不能听聆神圣律法的颁布,纯洁的律例又怎么能写在那些个人与家庭杂乱无章的人心中呢?……{CTr 113.5}[5]
The moral law, spoken from Sinai, cannot have a place in the hearts of persons of disorderly, filthy habits. If the children of Israel could not so much as listen to the proclamation of that holy law without cleanliness of person and clothing, how can its pure precepts be written upon the hearts of those who are untidy in their persons and their homes? ...{CTr 113.5}[5]
急性的流行热病曾在被认为完全健康的乡村和城市里爆发,导致家破人亡。在许多情况下,这些流行病患者的家里带有致病的媒介,把致命的毒素散布在周围的空气中,被家人和邻居吸入。……{CTr 113.6}[6]
Violent epidemics of fever have occurred in villages and cities that were considered perfectly healthful, and these have resulted in death or broken constitutions. In many instances the premises of the very ones who fell victims to these epidemics contained the agents of destruction, which sent forth deadly poison into the atmosphere to be inhaled by the family and the neighborhood....{CTr 113.6}[6]
帕莫斯顿爵士担任英国首相的时候,有一次接到苏格兰教牧人员的请愿,要求定一个日子禁食祷告,以扭转霍乱的肆虐。他回答说:“清洗你们的住宅和街道,加以消毒,在穷人中提倡清洁与健康,为他们提供充足良好的食物与衣着,并普及卫生的措施,这样,你们就不必禁食祷告了。在主的预防措施受忽略的情况下,祂是不会垂听你们祷告的。”(Manuscript 1890.58){CTr 113.5}[7]
When Lord Palmerston was premier of England, he was at one time petitioned by the Scottish clergy to appoint a day of fasting and prayer to avert the cholera. He replied, “Cleanse and disinfect your streets and houses, promote cleanliness and health among the poor, and see that they are plentifully supplied with good food and raiment, and employ right sanitary measures generally, and you will have no occasion to fast and pray. Nor will the Lord hear your prayers while these, His preventatives, remain unheeded.”—Manuscript 58, 1890.{CTr 113.7}[7]
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