7月26日 最终我们将看见王的荣美
At Last We Shall See the King in His Beauty, July 26
“凡有耳的,就应当听。得胜的,我必将上帝乐园中生命树的果子赐给他吃”(启2:7)。{CTr 214.1}[1]
To everyone who conquers, I will give permission to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God.Revelation 2:7, NRSV.{CTr 214.1}[1]
如果你想与人争论,就到某个地方向需要真理见证的人述说基督的爱。要讲述基督的可爱,你心中的不良精神就会离开。我们需要战胜仇敌,把握全能者的经验。我们担当不起丧失永远的生命。{CTr 214.2}[2]
If you feel a spirit of controversy with anyone, just go out somewhere and speak of the love of Christ to souls who need a testimony in favor of the truth. Speak of the loveliness of Christ, and the wicked spirit that has been in your heart will depart. What we need is an experience in overcoming the enemy, and in clinging to the Mighty One. We cannot afford to lose everlasting life.{CTr 214.2}[2]
我必须告诉你,天国是要争取、追求和为之努力的。我们不能凭自己未悔改的性情飘向天国。……{CTr 214.3}[3]
I must tell you that heaven is to be sought for, to be prayed for, to be worked for. We cannot, with our unconverted traits of character, drift into heaven....{CTr 214.3}[3]
不要浪费时间与持异议的人争论,因为仇敌会怂恿别人用辩论来侵占你的时间。你的力量要保持在正确的方面。当魔鬼在旷野遇见基督时,基督并没有与他争辩。撒但诱惑祂行神迹把石头变成饼。基督若这么作了,就给了仇敌一个良机,因为撒但也会提供他自己能力的类似证据。……{CTr 214.4}[4]
Do not spend time in controversy with those who bring up objections, for the enemy will suggest to other minds enough to occupy your time in combating them. Your strength is to keep to the affirmative. When the devil met Christ in the wilderness, Christ did not enter into controversy with him. Satan tempted Him to perform a miracle to create bread. Had Christ done this, He would have given the enemy a decided advantage, for Satan might have given a similar evidence of his own power....{CTr 214.4}[4]
今天若人向你说出反对真理的话,试图挑起你辩论,你不要激动。要把握正确的方向,坚持“经上记着说”的真理。我要告诉你,仇敌很快就会从你面前退去。……{CTr 214.5}[5]
So today, if people bring to you objections to the truth, and try to stir you up, do not become excited. Keep on the track of the affirmative. Affirm the truth, “Thus saith the Lord,” and let me tell you, the enemy will soon desire to get out of your presence....{CTr 214.5}[5]
我们要回避仇敌希望我们参加的战斗。我们要考试努力克服遗传和养成的罪恶倾向。我们要恳求上帝除去吹毛求疵的不良性情,予以纠正,以便赐给我们生命和基督的爱。……{CTr 214.6}[6]
Let us lay aside the warfare the enemy would have us put on. Let us begin to work in earnest to overcome our hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil. Let us plead with God to take away the wicked propensity to faultfinding, and in its place to give us life and the love of Christ....{CTr 214.6}[6]
我们有一个天国要争取。基督希望我们进入天国。祂受死是为了让我们得到天国。每一位得救进入上帝国度的人都将把荣耀归给祂,而不是归给任何人。基督将为我们打开金门,邀请我们进去。……{CTr 214.7}[7]
We have a heaven to win, and Christ wants us to have it. He died that we might have it. Every soul who is saved in the kingdom of God will give the glory to Him, not to any human being. Christ will open for us the golden gates; He will invite us to enter....{CTr 214.7}[7]
我们必须在今世进入天国,否则我们就决不能进入将来的天国。我们要在今生今世过基督的生活。这样,对于你和周围的人来说,今生今世无异就成了天国。……最后你将看到王的荣美,眼见祂无比的荣耀,并弹拨金琴,让天庭充满美妙的音乐和羔羊的诗歌。(Manuscript 1906.97) {CTr 214.8}[8]
And we must enter heaven here below or we shall never enter the heaven hereafter. Right here on this earth we must begin to live the life of Christ, and then it will be a heaven to you and it will be a heaven to those who associate with you.... And at last you will see the King in His beauty; you will behold His matchless charms and, touching the golden harp, fill heaven with rich music and songs to the Lamb.—Manuscript 97, 1906.{CTr 214.8}[8]
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