10月8日 质疑上帝不变至高的地位
The Question of God’s Supremacy Settled, October 8
“众城门哪,你们要抬起头来!永久的门户,你们要被举起!那荣耀的王将要进来”(诗24:7)。{CTr 288.1}[1]
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.Psalm 24:7.{CTr 288.1}[1]
全天庭在观看这场斗争。……撒但在世上搅动人心中的敌意,抵制以无穷的代价换来的救恩。基督是世界的光,世人竟不认识祂。祂创造了世界,世人竟不承认祂。天上的大君被人追逼,不得不四处躲避;天庭将此记录在案。祂被藐视和排斥,遭耻笑和诽谤;但祂受辱骂时并没有报以辱骂。然而撒但仍不罢手,继续逼迫祂,直到祂被钉在髑髅地的十字架上。全天庭和上帝所创造的诸世界都在观看这场斗争;基督会不会执行计划,把沦亡的生灵从罪的深坑中救出来呢?{CTr 288.2}[2]
All heaven is watching the controversy.... Here upon the earth Satan stirs up the enmity that is in the human mind to resist the salvation that has been brought to them at such an infinite cost. He [Christ] was the light of the world, and yet the world knew Him not. He created the world, and yet the world would not acknowledge Him. But when His life was sought for, the Majesty of heaven had to go from place to place; heaven marked this. And He was despised and rejected; He was mocked at, reviled; but when He was reviled, He reviled not again. But Satan did not stop his persecutions until Christ hung upon the cross of Calvary. All heaven, and all the worlds God had created, were watching the controversy; would Christ carry out the plan He had undertaken to lift lost souls from the pit of sin? ...{CTr 288.2}[2]
当每一个生灵看到基督复活时,大叛徒从他们的观念中连根拔除了;问题解决了。上帝的律法是不变的,适用于天上地上所有受造的生灵。基督与祂的门徒同在四十昼夜。……然后祂离开门徒被接往天国。大批俘虏跟随着祂;无数天军环绕着祂。在近上帝的圣城时,陪伴祂的天使说:“众城门哪,你们要抬起头来!永久的门户,你们要被举起!那荣耀的王将要进来!”。……{CTr 288.3}[3]
The great rebel was uprooted from the thoughts of everyone as they saw Christ’s resurrection; the question was settled that the law of God was immutable and covered all that were in heaven and in earth, and all the created intelligences. Christ was with His disciples forty days and forty nights and then ... He was taken up from them into heaven; and the multitude of captives were with Him; and a multitude of heavenly host was around Him; and as they approached the city of God, the angel that was accompanying Him said, “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.” ...{CTr 288.3}[3]
如今,这位救主在天父的面前为我们代求赎罪。……这位宝贵的救主快要再来。……祂第二次显现时所戴的,不再是荆棘冠冕;所穿的不再是曾披在祂神圣身体上的旧紫袍。发出的喊声,不再是“钉祂十字架!钉祂十字架!”而是天军和等候迎接祂之人的欢呼:“被杀的羔羊是配得称颂的!”这位神圣的征服者所戴是荣耀的冠冕,不再是荆棘的冠冕;身上穿着最白的白衣袍,而不是嘲弄祂的旧王袍。带着钉痕的双手将发出金光。……{CTr 288.4}[4]
Now this Saviour is our intercessor, making an atonement for us before the Father.... And that precious Saviour is coming again.... When He cometh the second time, it is not to wear the crown of thorns, it is not to have that old purple robe placed upon His divine form. The voices will not be raised, Crucify Him, Crucify Him, but there is a shout from the angelic host and from those who are waiting to receive Him, Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. A divine Conqueror, in the place of the crown of thorns He will wear a crown of glory; in the place of that old kingly robe that they put upon Him in mockery, He will wear a robe whiter than the whitest white. And those hands that were bruised with the cruel nails will shine like gold....{CTr 288.4}[4]
死了的义人要从坟墓中出来,和那些活着还存留的人一起被提到空中与主相会,并且永远与祂同在。他们将听见耶稣的声音,比人间任何音乐都更加甜美:“你们这蒙我父赐福的,可来承受那创世以来为你们所预备的国。”(Manuscript 1886.11){CTr 288.5}[5]
The righteous dead come forth from their graves, and they that are alive and remain are caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall they ever be with the Lord. And they will listen to the voice of Jesus, sweeter than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, ... “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”—Manuscript 11, 1886.{CTr 288.5}[5]
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