10月10日 善恶之争影响了所有的受..
All Creation Affected by the Great Controversy, October 10
“成了!”(约19:30){CTr 290.1}[1]
It is finished.John 19:30.{CTr 290.1}[1]
从马槽到十字架,撒但都在追踪上帝的儿子。各种试探像暴风雨一般袭击祂。可是斗争越激烈,祂就越熟悉人类所遭遇到试探,也使祂更好地准备好搭救受试探的人。基督所经历试炼的严重程度,与因祂的成败而得失之对象的价值成正比例。这不仅涉及一个世界的利益。这个世界固然是战场,但是上帝所造的诸世界也要受到斗争结果的影响。{CTr 290.2}[2]
From the manger to the cross Satan followed the Son of God. Temptations beat upon Him like a tempest. But the more fierce the conflict, the more familiar He became with the temptations wherewith human beings are beset, and the better prepared He was to succor the tempted. The severity of the trial through which Christ passed was proportionate to the value of the object to be gained or lost by His success or failure. Not merely the interests of one world were involved. This world was the battlefield, but all the worlds that God had created were affected by the result of the conflict.{CTr 290.2}[2]
撒但为了成为最高的统治者,就企图推翻基督。他计划和实施对基督的谋害,是为了让祂受不了阴间的智慧所发明的可怕死法。他力图证明自己的主张是对的,基督并没有自我牺牲。{CTr 290.3}[3]
In order that he might reign as supreme ruler, Satan sought to overthrow Christ. And he planned and carried out the murder of Christ for no other reason than that to the last he entertained the hope that Christ would not endure a death made as horrible as infernal wisdom could make it. He endeavored to prove the correctness of his assertion that Christ was not self-sacrificing.{CTr 290.3}[3]
群众受了撒但的鼓动,吵着要钉死基督。全天庭注视着基督步步受辱的过程:祂的受审、遭拒绝和被处死。祂在十字架上呼喊“成了”的时候,战争结束了。无辜者的血已为罪人流出。祂所献出的生命,救赎人类脱离永远的死亡,决定了掌死权者──魔鬼──的厄运。{CTr 290.4}[4]
Actuated by satanic influences, the crowd clamored for the crucifixion of Christ. All heaven watched the successive steps of Christ’s humiliation—His trial, rejection, and death. When on the cross He exclaimed, “It is finished,” the warfare was ended. The blood of the Innocent was shed for the guilty. The life that He gave up ransomed the human race from eternal death and sealed the doom of him who had the power of death—the devil.{CTr 290.4}[4]
撒但装出一副自己的所作所为都是为全宇宙谋自由的样子。甚至基督被钉在十字架上的时候,仇敌仍定意让他的诡辩变化多端,狡诈阴险,让大家以为上帝的律法残暴专横。他亲自设下每一个阴谋,策划每一种罪恶,激起每一个人对基督的仇恨。他亲自教唆人对一心为善的主进行诬告。他亲自授意种种暴行,来增加上帝的儿子──就是那位纯洁、圣善、无辜之主的痛苦。{CTr 290.5}[5]
Satan sought to make it appear that he was working for the liberty of the universe. Even while Christ was on the cross, the enemy was determined to make his arguments so varied, so deceptive, so insidious, that all would be convinced that God’s law was tyrannical. He himself laid every scheme, planned every evil, inflamed every mind to bring affliction on Christ. He himself instigated the false accusations against One who had done only good. He himself inspired the cruel deeds that added to the suffering of the Son of God—the pure, the holy, the innocent.{CTr 290.5}[5]
撒但的这种做法,造成了一条将把他自己捆住的锁链。天上全宇宙都必证明上帝惩罚他是公正的。天庭本身也会看出:若有撒但在那里,天庭将变成什么样的地方。于是全天庭同心合意,公认上帝律法的不变性,支持祂的政权,因为祂为了拯救犯罪的人,不惜让自己的爱子承受罪的惩罚。{CTr 290.6}[6]
By this course of action Satan has forged a chain by which he himself will be bound. The heavenly universe will bear witness to the justice of God in punishing him. Heaven itself saw what heaven would be if he were in it. The hearts of all in the heavenly universe were united in regarding God’s law as changeless. They supported the government of Him who, to redeem the transgressor, spared not His own Son from suffering the penalty of sin.{CTr 290.6}[6]
基督在服务时用自己的言行维护了上帝律法的尊严。祂为此而来到世界。(Manuscript 1902.1){CTr 290.7}[7]
In His ministry, Christ by word and deed vindicated the honor of God’s law. It was for this purpose that He came into the world.—Manuscript 1, 1902.{CTr 290.7}[7]
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