10月11日 上帝的律法终于得到维护
God’s Law Finally Vindicated, October 11
“求你赐我悟性,我便遵守你的律法,且要一心遵守”(诗119:34)。{CTr 291.1}[1]
Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.Psalm 119:34.{CTr 291.1}[1]
当基督升到天上,将斗争的场面和路锡甫恶毒攻击祂,阻止祂完成世上工作的状况向天上的生灵展示时,这个一度曾为崇高天使的撒但所发的诬告和指责,都将暴露出本来的面目。他自称品格无瑕,完全是一派谎言。他深思熟虑高抬自己的阴谋暴露无遗。……当尘埃落定之时,每一位未曾堕落的生灵无不对叛逆表示愤慨。他们异口同声称颂上帝是公义、仁慈、克己和正义的。祂的律法得到了维护。{CTr 291.2}[2]
When Christ ascended and laid open before the heavenly intelligences the scene of the conflict and the fierce attacks that Lucifer made against Him to prevent Him from accomplishing His work on the earth, all the prevarications and accusations of him who had been an exalted angel were seen in their true light. It was seen that his professedly spotless character was deceptive. His deeply laid scheme to exalt himself to supremacy was now fully discerned.... When the issue was finally settled, every unfallen being expressed indignation at the rebellion. With one voice they extolled God as righteous, merciful, self-denying, just. His law had been vindicated.{CTr 291.2}[2]
撒但最初的目的是将人类与上帝隔开。历代以来,他推行同一个目的。他在往后的各世代中使用同样的欺骗手法,和诱惑伊甸园圣洁夫妇的同样理论。他的工作计划始终充满欺诈。他自称虔诚,有坐满敬拜者的会堂。……他统治各个等级的人。{CTr 291.3}[3]
In the beginning Satan’s purpose was to separate the human family from God. And in every age he has carried out this same purpose. The same method of deception, the same logic that he used to deceive the holy pair in Eden, he has used in all succeeding ages. His plan of work has ever been one of deception. He claims to be religious. He has a synagogue in which there are worshipers.... He sways all classes.{CTr 291.3}[3]
撒但经常在不同年龄段的人中工作。他有时披上虔诚、纯净和圣洁的外衣,化装为光明的天使,蒙蔽世人的眼光,使他们看不出他的本来面目和真实目的。{CTr 291.4}[4]
Constantly Satan works among people of all ages. At times he assumes a cloak of piety, purity, and holiness. Often he transforms himself into an angel of light. He has blinded the eyes of men and women so that they cannot see beneath the surface and discern his real purposes.{CTr 291.4}[4]
上帝是无所不能、无所不知和永不改变的。祂所行的道路永远是正直的。祂的律法是真理──从不更改,永远是真理。祂的律例配合祂的品德。可是撒但却故意使这些律例显得谎谬。他设法藉着曲解律例,使世人对于这位“立法者”怀有不良的印象。他的叛逆彻头彻尾都是力图把上帝表显为一个不公平的暴君。{CTr 291.5}[5]
God is omnipotent, omniscient, immutable. He always pursues a straightforward course. His law is truth—unchanging, eternal truth. His precepts are consistent with His attributes. But Satan makes them appear in a false light. By perverting them he seeks to give human beings an unfavorable impression of God. Throughout his rebellion he has sought to represent God as an unjust, tyrannical being.{CTr 291.5}[5]
但是基督的生活、试炼和受死揭露了撒但的伪善。基督取了人性,藉着祂完美的人生,证明撒但主张的虚假。他经常诬告顺从上帝律法的人。基督在十字架上所流的血,是无可辩驳的永远见证,证明上帝的律法和祂的品德都是不变的。基督的被钉是撒但所主使的谋杀,是由自愿与上帝分离的人执行的。在审判的日子,当基督在十字架上受死的真相大白时,所有的声音都将沉默。大家都看明撒但是叛徒。(Manuscript 1902.1){CTr 291.6}[6]
But Satan’s hypocrisy has been unmasked by Christ’s life, trial, and death. Christ took upon Himself human nature, and by His perfect life demonstrated the falsity of the claims of him who constantly accuses those who are trying to obey God’s law. And the blood of Christ shed on the cross is the everlasting, incontrovertible testimony that God’s law is as immutable as is His own character. The crucifixion of Christ was a murder instigated by Satan and carried out by people who had separated themselves from God. In the day of judgment, when the death of Christ upon the cross is seen in all its reality, every voice will be hushed. Everyone will see that Satan is a rebel.—Manuscript 1, 1902.{CTr 291.6}[6]
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