7月7日 基督化的礼貌
Christian Courtesy, July 7
“我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相爱”(约13:34)。{ML 192.1}[1]
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As I have loved you, that ye also love one another.John 13:34.{ML 192.1}[1]
礼貌的价值太少被人重视。许多心地善良的人却缺乏礼貌的态度。不少因真诚正直而备受尊重的人,却没有亲切之感。这种缺陷既破坏了他们自己的幸福,又损坏了对别人的服务。许多生活上最愉快最有益的经验,往往因缺乏考虑,因不礼貌的态度而牺牲了。(Ed 240){ML 192.2}[2]
The value of courtesy is too little appreciated. Many who are kind at heart lack kindliness of manner. Many who command respect by their sincerity and uprightness are sadly deficient in geniality. This lack mars their own happiness and detracts from their service to others. Many of life’s sweetest and most helpful experiences are, often for mere want of thought, sacrificed by the uncourteous.14{ML 192.2}[2]
圣经为我们提供了实行真礼貌的显著事例。亚伯拉罕是属于上帝的人。他每当支搭帐棚的时候,就立刻修筑祭坛,邀请上帝与他同住。亚伯拉罕很有礼貌。他的生活没有被自私所污染。任何自私的行为在上帝眼中都是可憎和讨厌的。请看他和罗得分手时的举动。虽然罗得是他的侄儿并且年轻得多,亚伯拉罕有选择的优先权,但他为顾全礼貌而放弃了他的权利,让罗得先为自己选择他所视为全地最理想的地方。请看他在酷热的正午如何欢迎那三位旅客,立即供应他们的一切需要。再请看他如何与赫人的子孙交易,购买撒拉的墓地。他尽管在忧伤之中,仍没有忘记礼貌。他虽然身为上帝的贵族,仍在他们面前屈身。亚伯拉罕知道什么是真正的礼貌,什么是人与人之间应有的态度。(RH.1885.9.8){ML 192.3}[3]
The Holy Scriptures give us marked examples of the exercise of true courtesy. Abraham was a man of God. When he pitched his tent he at once erected his altar for sacrifice and invited God to abide with him. Abraham was a courteous man. His life is not marred with selfishness, so hateful in any character and so offensive in the sight of God. Witness his conduct when about to separate from Lot. Though Lot was his nephew, and much younger than himself, and the first choice of the land belonged to Abraham, courtesy led him to forgo his right, and permit Lot to select for himself that part of the country which seemed to him most desirable. Behold him as he welcomes the three travelers in the heat of the day and hastens to provide for their necessities. Again observe him as he engages in a business transaction with the sons of Heth, to purchase a burying place for Sarah. In his grief he does not forget to be courteous. He bows before them, although he is God’s nobleman. Abraham knew what genuine politeness was and what was due from man to his fellow men.15{ML 192.3}[3]
我们应当忘却自我,常常…伺机鼓舞别人,以亲切的行动和出自爱心的小小行动减轻他们的忧伤和重担。这种在我们家中开始的体贴的礼貌,若延伸到家庭范围以外,就可协助造成幸福人生的极点。(AH 428){ML 192.4}[4]
We should be self-forgetful, ever ... watching for opportunities to cheer others and lighten and relieve their sorrows and burdens by acts of tender kindness and little deeds of love. These thoughtful courtesies, that, commencing in our families, extend outside the family circle, help make up the sum of life’s happiness.16{ML 192.4}[4]
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