五月十四日 富有同情心的基督徒
The Compassionate Christian, May 14
The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. John 14:30. {TDG 143.1}
救主在祂一切的生活习惯上,都留下了上帝定意要祂在地上的教会所应有状况的榜样。要把这一点告诉人。基督渴望将祂的教会毫无玷污瑕疵地呈献在天父的面前。{TDG 143.1}
In all His habits of life, the Saviour gave an example of what God designs His church on earth to be. Tell this to the people. Christ desires to present His church before the Father without spot or blemish. {TDG 143.2}
救主从祂最幼小的年日起,所度的就是穷困的生活。祂的童年全化在劳动上。祂在木匠工作台旁忙碌着,负担了祂身为家庭一分子的重任,时常累乏疲倦。祂生活在一个败坏的时代中。可是祂却没有因那包围着祂的邪恶而致堕落败坏,也没有受到当时那般虚伪作恶之人品格的影响。祂在空旷的田野里和自然的景色中,从劳作得到了休息,也找到了属灵生活的食粮。祂洞察表面之下的底里,而从自然界的种种奥秘搜集知识,使祂充满了平安和喜乐。{TDG 143.2}
From His earliest years the Saviour’s life was one of poverty. His childhood days were spent in toil. Working at the carpenter’s bench, bearing the burdens that came to Him as a member of the family, He often became weary. He lived in a corrupt age. Yet He was uncorrupted by the evil that surrounded Him, uninfluenced by the characters of those who were artificial and wicked. In the open fields and amid the scenes of nature He found rest from toil and food for spiritual life. Looking beneath the surface, He gathered knowledge from the mysteries of nature that filled Him with peace and joy. {TDG 143.3}
救主在祂公开传道服务的那几年当中,不断地受到狡猾而假冒为善之人的窥伺。密探们时常追踪祂,想从祂的口中抓到话柄,来炮制反对祂的偏见。他们一再地想方设法,要使祂显得有罪犯错,有时他们故意向祂提出一些问题,设下陷阱圈套,希望从祂的回答中找到把柄,可以用来激使民众定祂的罪。但在每一次图谋中,他们总是无可奈何而惊惶失措地败退;他们的行动也总是因基督的回答而把真相揭露出来了。救主的讲论,对广大听众显示了真理的权能。连那被派去窥探祂行动的人,也不得不回来向差派他们的人报告说:“从来没有像祂这样说话的”(约7:46)!……{TDG 143.3}
During the years of His public ministry, the Saviour was continually watched by crafty and hypocritical men. Spies were continually upon His track to catch something from His lips which they could use to create prejudice against Him. Again and again they tried to make Him appear guilty of wrong. There were occasions when they laid traps for Him by presenting to Him questions, the answers to which they hoped to use to cause His condemnation by the people. But at every attempt they were compelled to retire from the field confounded; their actions were revealed in their true light by the answers of Christ. The Saviour’s discourses presented a power of truth to the multitudes who listened. Even the men who were sent to spy upon His actions were forced to return with the report to those who sent them, “Never man spake like this man” (John 7:46).... {TDG 143.4}
惟愿你们的谈话带着和气,因为有基督在倾听你们所说的话。惟愿彼此体贴同情的心意要溶合在你们所说的话语之中,这样你们就必表现出基督的品德了。基督的举止态度乃是温文有礼而毫不矜持的。我们既是祂的门徒,就当与祂的性情有分。我们需要天天都跟这位伟大的教师学习,这样,那环绕我们心灵的气氛,就可能满有属灵的生命了。(《信函》1908年158号,5月14日,致埃德森.怀特){TDG 143.4}
Let your conversation be with grace, for Christ is listening to the words you speak. Let compassion for one another be blended with all you say, then you will reveal the character of Christ. The manners of Christ were gentle and unassuming. As His followers we are to partake of His nature. We need to be daily learners of the great Teacher, that the atmosphere surrounding the soul may be filled with spiritual life.—Letter 158, May 14, 1908, to Edson White. {TDG 143.5}
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