一月十三日 天国的代表
Agents for Heaven, January 13
Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. 1 Peter 3:8. {TDG 21.1}
非常需要培养亲切温和的性情。无论谁都不应当把向犯错的人表示亲切同情的精神,当作是可耻的事;因为凡自以为不会犯错的人,在上帝面前离毫无过失还很远。无论什么人都不要把向人表示同情当作是可耻的事。……{TDG 21.1}
What great need there is of cultivating tenderness and gentleness. None should be ashamed to manifest a tender, compassionate spirit for those who err; for those who think they make no mistakes are far from being without fault before God. No one need to think that the manifestation of compassion is something for which he need be ashamed.... {TDG 21.2}
当危机临到任何人的生命时,别人若想劝勉,劝勉和忠告的向善感化力,与劝勉者榜样和精神为他所累积的影响相等。使忠告发生有效说服力,引人走上安全坦途的,乃是言行一致的生活,和对危机中生灵所表现基督化真诚的关怀。那些随便责难别人,说话伤害打击受伤者的人,是在做撒但的工作,与黑暗之君同工。……{TDG 21.2}
When a crisis comes in the life of any soul, and another attempts to give advice, that advice and counsel will have only the weight of influence for good that their example and spirit of the adviser has accumulated for him. It is the consistent life, the revelation of a sincere, Christlike interest for the soul in peril, that will make counsel effectual to persuade and win into safe paths. Those who are quick to censure others, who speak words that cut and bruise the already wounded soul, are doing Satan’s work, and are laborers with the prince of darkness.... {TDG 21.3}
但愿遇试探受考验的人记住:责罚之所以临到他们,是主要救他们脱离死亡。受到责备的人都要记住:“凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他”(启3:19)。{TDG 21.3} {PC 393.4}
Let the tempted and tried souls remember that when chastisement comes upon them, it is the Lord who would save them from death. Let the souls to whom reproof comes, remember that “as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten” (Revelation 3:19). {TDG 21.4}
人既受基督之灵的浇灌,就必为生灵警醒,好像那将来要交账的人。基督对我们有要求;我们必须明白自己的责任,存敬畏上帝的心,注视祂的荣耀,去履行职责,不要表现出不忠心来。不要因自私的念头或本性的情感而闭口不言。尽管说,不要害怕。要心中充满对人的亲切温柔和爱护,发出警告、劝诫和勉励。{TDG 21.4}
The human agent, imbued with the Spirit of Christ, will watch for souls as they that must give an account. The claims of Christ are upon us, and we must understand our duty, and do it in the fear of God, with an eye single to His glory, and not prove unfaithful. Let no thought of self or of natural feelings be cherished to keep the lips silent. Speak, and be not afraid. With the heart full of tenderness and love for souls, warn, exhort, and entreat. {TDG 21.5}
只要还有一线希望,就不可停止救灵的工作。你们的话语可能会刺痛人的心灵。因此要非常小心!说话要本着耶稣的仁爱和柔和。要用温柔和同情软化语气。……你们怎样对待人,怎样论断人,主也必照样判断你们,对待你们。但愿自称是上帝儿女的人都实行基督的教训。如果伤害了别人,那就要承担起和解的义务。总要凭着爱心说诚实话,有基督的灵常住在心中。(《信函》1894年70号,1月13日,致“《评论与通讯》出版社亲爱的负责弟兄们” ){TDG 21.5}
Never cease to labor for a soul while there is one ray of hope. Your words may cut to the soul. Oh, then be cautious, and clothe them with the love and tenderness of Jesus. Soften every accent with love and sympathy.... As you deal with others, as you judge others, so the Lord will judge and deal with you. Let the agent who claims to be a child of God, practice the lessons of Christ. If he is compelled to wound, let him feel the duty of healing as compulsory upon him. The truth is ever to be spoken in love, with the Spirit of Christ abiding in the soul.—Letter 70, January 13, 1894, to “Dear Brethren in Responsible Positions in the Review and Herald Office.” {TDG 21.6}
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