五月二十八日 住在心里的基督
The Indwelling Christ, May 28
He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. 1 John 2:9, 10. {TDG 157.1}
昨天夜里,我梦见一小群人聚集举行宗教聚会。有一位走了进来,坐在一个黑暗的角落里,不大引人注意。会上缺少自由的精神。主的灵受到约束。教会长老讲了几句话。他似乎在伤害某一个人。我看到那个陌生人脸上显出了愁容。自称相信真理的人,心中显然没有基督的爱。其必然结果一定是缺少基督的灵,在思想感情上,也非常缺乏对上帝的爱和彼此间的互爱。聚会没有使任何人振作起来。{TDG 157.1}
Last night I dreamed that a small company were assembled together to have a religious meeting. There was one who came in and seated himself in a dark corner, where he would attract little observation. There was not a spirit of freedom. The Spirit of the Lord was bound. Some remarks were made by the elder of the church. He seemed to be trying to hurt someone. I saw a sadness upon the countenance of the stranger. It became apparent that there was not the love of Jesus in the hearts of those who claimed to believe the truth and there was, as the sure result, an absence of the spirit of Christ and a great want both in thoughts and feelings of love for God and for one another. The assembling together had not been refreshing to anyone. {TDG 157.2}
聚会快结束的时候,那位陌生人站了起来,充满忧伤、声泪俱下地对他们说;他们的心灵和个人的经验非常需要耶稣的爱。这爱在每一位有基督住在其中的心里是非常丰盛的。凡是被上帝圣灵所更新的心,不但爱上帝,而且爱他的弟兄。如果那个弟兄犯了错误,做错了事,他就要按福音的方法对待弟兄。每一个步都必须遵循上帝圣言的指示。祂说:“你们属灵的人就当用温柔的心把他挽回过来;又当自己小心,恐怕也被引诱”(加6:1)。你们不记得基督的临别祷告吗?(见约17:15-23)祷告之后,祂就到客西马尼园经历漫长痛苦的挣扎,然后祂被卖、受审和被钉十字架。……{TDG 157.2}
As the meeting was about to close, the stranger arose and with a voice that was full of sorrow and of tears, he told them that they had a great want in their own souls, and in their own experience, of the love of Jesus, which was present in large measure in every heart where Christ took up His abode. Every heart renewed by the Spirit of God would not only love God but love his brother, and if that brother made mistakes, if he erred, he must be dealt with after the gospel plan. Every step must be followed according to the directions given in the Word of God. “‘Ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted’” (Galatians 6:1), he said. “Rememberest thou not the prayer of Christ just before He left His disciples for His long, agonizing struggle in the garden of Gethsemane, before His betrayal, His trial, and His crucifixion?” (See John 17:15-23).... {TDG 157.3}
你们要小心对待基督宝血所买来的人。虽然需要坦率忠实地责备罪恶的行为,但是承担这项工作的人,自己不可因犯罪而与基督隔开。他必须是属灵的,并本着温柔的精神挽救这样的人。……{TDG 157.3}
Be careful how you treat the purchase of the blood of Christ. There will be need of plain and faithful reproving of evil works, but let the one who takes this work upon him know that he is not separated from Christ by evil works himself. He must be spiritual and restore such an one in the spirit of meekness.... {TDG 157.4}
上帝的选民藉着他们属天的言谈,他们的温柔,他们无可指责的行为,彰显基督的精神和品格。他们既然接受上帝之灵的引导,就是上帝的儿女。(《文稿》1887年32号1-9页,《访问德国》){TDG 157.4}
The spirit and character of Christ are manifested in the chosen of God, by their heavenly conversation, their meekness, their blameless conduct. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.—Manuscript 32, May 28, 1887, diary, “Visit to Germany.” {TDG 157.5}
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