六月三日 门仍然开着
The Door Is Still Open, June 3
For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6. {TDG 163.1}
在像我们的这样一个世界上,真理和谬论紧密地掺和在一起,实在难分难辨,如果疏忽寻求那从上面来的智慧,真是一樁危险的事。凡是现在愿意听劝毫不迟疑地转回归向主,在那真实根基上坚持自己立场的人,就必得蒙饶恕。所有的谬论都掺和了真理,因此就使撒但的骗局很难看得出来。可是,一旦考验和试炼的时候临到我们,义人的义与恶人的恶,二者之间的区别就必显明了。{TDG 163.1}
In a world like ours, where truth and falsehood are so closely mingled that it is difficult to discern between them, it is a perilous matter to neglect to seek wisdom from on high. Those who will now take heed and turn to the Lord without delay, taking their position on the true foundation, will receive pardon. All error is mixed with truth, and this makes the deceptions of Satan harder to see. But when the time of test and trial comes upon us, there will be seen the difference between the righteousness of the righteous and the wickedness of the wicked. {TDG 163.2}
每一项错误都是罪,每一种罪的根源都是从撒但来的。错误的行为已经把男女们的眼睛给弄瞎了,辨别力也给摧毁了。我们现在需要在各方面步步为营。……{TDG 163.2}
Every error is sin, and every sin has its origin with Satan. Wrong practices have blinded the eyes and blighted the perceptive faculties of men and women. We need now to be guarded on every point.... {TDG 163.3}
世上的居民在撒但的领导之下,正在捆成捆预备焚烧。我们没有时间连一刻也没有可以浪费的了。上帝的审判已经临近,凡是顽梗不化、不信上帝所发警告的人,都必要被捆成捆准备焚烧。但愿传道的教牧人员和教友们都到葡萄园里去。他们在那被宣布为忘记圣经真理的地方,必有所收获。需要男女国外布道士。他们必发现那些接受真理的人要采取立场站在他们教师的身边,引领生灵归向基督。……{TDG 163.3}
The inhabitants of the world, under Satan’s leadership, are binding up in bundles ready to be burned. We have no time, not a moment, to lose. The judgments of God are in the land, and those who stand obstinate, unconvinced by the warnings that God sends, will be bound up in bundles ready to be burned. Let ministers and church members go forth into the vineyard. They will find their harvest wherever they proclaim the forgotten truths of the Bible. Missionaries, men and women, are needed. They will find those who accept the truth, and take their position beside their teacher to win souls to Christ.... {TDG 163.4}
成群的民众要被召集进入羊圈。有许多原来明白真理的人已经在上帝面前行为败坏,并且远离了真道。阵容中的缺额,要由那班被基督形容是在下午五点钟才来的人所补充。有许多正是上帝圣灵所争取的。{TDG 163.4}
Multitudes are to be gathered into the fold. Many who have known the truth have corrupted their way before God and departed from the faith. The broken ranks will be filled up by those represented by Christ as coming in at the eleventh hour. There are many with whom the Spirit of God is striving. {TDG 163.5}
上帝降下毁灭性刑罚的时期,也是那些原来没有机会认识什么是真理之人的恩典时期。主必温慈地看待他们。祂那慈悲的心怀受了感动;虽然这时对那些不肯进去的人,门已经关了,但祂的圣手仍然伸着要施行拯救。有多数是在这末后时日中初次听到真理的人,必得蒙允许进去。(《信函》1903年103号,6月3日,致与怀爱伦在美国和澳大利亚同工、富有经验的斯塔尔长老夫妇){TDG 163.5}
The time of God’s destructive judgments is the time of mercy for those who have no opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; His hand is still stretched out to save, while the door is closed to those who would not enter. Large numbers will be admitted who in these last days hear the truth for the first time.—Letter 103, June 3, 1903, to Elder and Mrs. George B. Starr, workers of large experience associated with Ellen G. White in the United States and Australia. {TDG 163.6}
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