六月八日 今天就去工作
Go Work Today, June 8
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10. {TDG 168.1}
各种才能已经付托给每个生灵了。这都是要藉着忠心服务而善于运用的“银子”,是基督在祂降临时要连本带利收回的。{TDG 168.1}
Capabilities have been entrusted to every soul. These are talents to be improved by faithful service, that Christ at His coming may receive His own with usury. {TDG 168.2}
我们听到不少有关世人听讲论的高等教育。可是那般对基督一生所教导所表扬的高等教育,竟一无所知的人,才真不知什么是高等教育呢。高等教育,意思就是遵依救恩的条件。它包含着天天仰望耶稣的经验,还有和基督一同工作拯救那将要灭亡的人。{TDG 168.2}
We hear much of the higher education as the world regards the subject. But those who are ignorant of the higher education as it was taught and exemplified in the life of Christ, are ignorant of what constitutes the higher education. Higher education means conformity to the terms of salvation. It embraces the experience of daily looking unto Jesus, and of working together with Christ for the saving of the perishing. {TDG 168.3}
闲懒乃是罪,因为有一个亟待工作的世界存在着。基督舍弃祂的生命,献给救拔堕落有罪之人的工作。祂原是天上的大君,却在堕落之人的虐待与藐视下生活为人,受苦受难以致死亡;这样祂就得以为人类在天庭那里预备住处。基督所传授的,乃是最高级的教训。我们还能想像到较比与祂合作所能获得的更高等的教育么?{TDG 168.3}
Idleness is sin, for there is a world to be labored for. Christ gave His life to the work of uplifting the fallen and the sinful. Though He was the Prince of heaven, He lived and suffered and died under the abuse and scorn of fallen men; and this that He might prepare for the human family mansions in the heavenly courts. Christ imparted instruction of the highest order. Can we imagine a higher education than that to be gained in cooperation with Him? {TDG 168.4}
现在正是我们工作的时候。万物的结局近了;不久黑夜将到就没有人能作工了。这黑夜较比许多人所料想的可要近得多呢。要在那些生活在罪中的人面前、高举髑髅地的主。要口诛笔伐地尽力扫除那占据人们思想的,有关高等教育的错误观念。基督向每一个工作人员发出命令说:为了荣耀我的名,今天就到我的葡园去工作吧。要在这充满败坏的世界面前,说明真正高等教育的幸福。亮光要从每一位信徒身上照耀出来。要向那劳累疲乏、背负重担、伤心困惑的人们,指明基督乃是一切属灵生命与能力的来源。……{TDG 168.4}
Now is our time to work. The end of all things is at hand; soon the night cometh in which no man can work. This night is much nearer than many suppose. Lift up the man of Calvary before those who are living in sin. By pen and voice labor to sweep back the false ideas that have taken possession of men’s minds regarding the higher education. To every worker Christ gives the command, Go work today in My vineyard for the glory of My name. Represent before a world laden with corruption the blessedness of true higher education. Light is to shine forth from every believer. The weary, the heavy-laden, the broken-hearted, and the perplexed, are to be pointed to Christ, the source of all spiritual life and strength.... {TDG 168.5}
当寻求这种高等教育,那就是完全遵从上帝的旨意,而且接受这种教育,结果必使你们确定地获得报赏。你们如果随时随地自行置身在能领受上帝福惠的地位,主的圣名就必因你们的生活而得以为尊为大了。(《信函》1909年102号,6月8日,致原在巴特尔克里克和贝林斯普林斯,现在田纳西州麦迪逊学校的两位教育家萨瑟兰与马根) {TDG 168.5}
Seek for the higher education, which is entire conformity to the will of God, and you will surely reap the reward that comes as the result of its reception. When you hourly place yourselves in that position where you can be the recipients of the blessing of God, the name of the Lord will be magnified through your lives.—Letter 102, June 8, 1909, to E. A. Sutherland and P. T. Magan, educators formerly at Battle Creek and Berrien Springs, but now at the school at Madison, Tennessee. {TDG 168.6}
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