六月二十五日 健康生活
Healthful Living, June 25
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. {TDG 185.1}
第一批被差派的福音使者所传的信息是:“天国近了”(太10:7)。这也是我们现今的信息。我们应当记住,接触人心不应局限于任何一种方法。推进医疗布道工作,不应局限于某一个人的方法,而要按照基督的方法。所做的一切,都要带有圣灵的印记。我们应当象基督那样工作,用祂那种实际的方法。这样我们才安全。{TDG 185.1}
The first messengers of the gospel were sent forth with the word, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 10:7). This is our message today. We are to remember that the work of reaching souls cannot be confined to any one method. Gospel medical missionary work is to be carried forward, not in the precision of one man’s lines, but in Christ’s lines. All that is done is to bear the impress of the Holy Spirit. We are to work as Christ worked, in the same practical lines. Then we shall be safe. {TDG 185.2}
上帝的使命无需改良。基督传扬真理的方法也无须改进。工人们千方百计吸引世人的心,以为这样会消除他们在负起十架时所遇到的反对,结果却削弱了自己的感化力。我们应当保持朴素的敬虔。说话带有世俗印记的传道人,得不到主的福分。但那些珍爱真正公义之纯朴的人所讲的话,却必蒙祂的赐福。{TDG 185.2}
The divine commission needs no reform. Christ’s way of presenting truth cannot be improved upon. The worker who tries to bring in methods that will attract the worldly-minded, supposing that this will remove the objections that they feel to taking up the cross, lessens his influence. Preserve the simplicity of godliness. The Lord’s blessing rests not upon the minister whose speech bears the stamp of worldliness. But He blesses the words of the one who cherishes the simplicity of true righteousness. {TDG 185.3}
我们的工作要实际。我们当记得,人既有一个灵魂也有一个身体要拯救。我们的工作内容,远比站在人前传道要多。我们在工作中,要帮助我们所接触之人肉体上的软弱。我们要传扬健康改革的原则,使我们的听众记住,在保持身体健康方面,他们有本分要尽。{TDG 185.3}
Our work is to be practical. We are to remember that man has a body as well as a soul to save. Our work includes far more than standing before the people to preach to them. In our work we are to minister to the physical infirmities of those with whom we are brought in contact. We are to present the principles of health reform, impressing our hearers with the thought that they have a part to act in keeping themselves in health. {TDG 185.4}
我们必须保持身体的健康,以便使心灵也处于健康状态。身体的状况会影响心灵的状况。人若想有体力和灵力,就必须正确地培养自己的食欲。他必须小心,不要使自己的体力或灵力过劳。上帝给人的责任,就是在吃、喝、及穿着上忠于正确的原则。{TDG 185.4}
The body must be kept in a healthy condition in order that the soul may be in health. The condition of the body affects the condition of the soul. He who would have physical and spiritual strength must educate his appetite in right lines. He must be careful not to burden the soul by overtaxing his physical or spiritual powers. Faithful adherence to right principles in eating, drinking, and dressing is a duty that God has laid upon human beings. {TDG 185.5}
主切望我们顺从健康和生命之律。祂要每一个人负责正确地维护自己的身体,使它保持在健康的状态中。(《信函》1903年第123号,6月25日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 185.5}
The Lord desires us to obey the laws of health and life. He holds each one responsible to care properly for his body, that it may be kept in health.—Letter 123, June 25, 1903, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 185.6}
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