七月二日 你们都是弟兄
Ye All Are Brethren, July 2
Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. 1 Peter 5:2, 3. {TDG 192.1}
是谁将生命赐给人?是谁给人理性呢?难道不是上帝吗?但愿那每吸一口气都要倚赖上帝的基督徒,不要觉得自己比他的弟兄地位高。他不应当给他们指定什么条件,好像他曾经把生命和才智给予他们一般,因此他们要对他负责任。{TDG 192.1}
Who gave man his life? Who gave him his reason? Did not God? Let not the Christian, who is dependent on God for every breath he draws, feel exalted above his brethren. He should not dictate terms to them, as though he has given them life and intelligence, and therefore they were responsible to him. {TDG 192.2}
在我们中间产生了一种精神,是上帝所必不容忍的。基督徒绝不应觉得自己乃是管辖上帝产业的主人。在基督徒中间,不应有分某些是保护者,某些是被保护者的精神。上帝的命令禁止有这样的事。“你们都是兄弟”(太23:8)。任何人都不可以想他是他弟兄们心意才能的业主。他不应当以为别人必须服从他的命令。他也跟每一个人一样,容易犯过,容易做错。他不应当按着自己的意见试图控制一切的事。{TDG 192.2}
There is coming in among us a spirit which God will not suffer to rule. Never should Christians feel that they are lords over God’s heritage. There should not be among Christians a spirit which makes some patrons and some proteges. The commandments of God forbid this. “All ye are brethren” (Matthew 23:8). No man is to think that he is the owner of the minds and capabilities of his brethren. He is not to think that others must submit to his dictation. He is liable to err, liable to make mistakes, as every man is. He is not to try to control matters in accordance with his ideas. {TDG 192.3}
那屈从这种自高自大精神的人,就是把自己放在仇敌的控制之下了。传福音的教牧人员如果不能和他所有的见解与想像相合,他就转离他们并且攻击他们,把自己心中所存的讽刺苦毒,都发泄在传道人和传道工作上。{TDG 192.3}
He who yields to this spirit of self-exaltation places himself under the control of the enemy. If ministers of the gospel cannot harmonize with all his ideas and imaginings, he turns from them and speaks against them, pouring out the sarcasm and bitterness in his heart upon ministers and ministry. {TDG 192.4}
任何这样的行为都没有带着上天的印记。基督徒理应表现基督的温和,如果他们有基督住在心中就必这样行。他们必定承认基督也在自己的弟兄心里。他们必定在一起作亲切的商讨。人类史上隐讳的篇章,如按照真相去探索追寻的话,对于那些滥用权威,自觉足够资格叫别人听他们命令行事的人,真不知作了多少的谄媚奉承呢。{TDG 192.4}
None of this work bears the signature of Heaven. Christians should reveal the tenderness of Christ, and this they will do if Christ abides in the heart. They will recognize Christ in their brethren. They will take sweet counsel together. If the dark chapters of human history were traced out according to the truth, how much would be flattering to those who exercise so much authority, who feel competent to say that others shall do as they dictate. {TDG 192.5}
耶稣在祂那纯洁而完全圣善的生活上,已经给我们留下了一个榜样。祂身为天上的至高者,却也是最乐意服务的。祂是最受尊荣的,却自我谦卑去服侍前不久还在争论:将来在祂国里谁算是最大的那班人。{TDG 192.5}
Jesus has given us an example in His life of purity and perfect holiness. The most exalted being in heaven, He was the most ready to serve. The most honored, He humbled Himself to minister to those who a short time before had been disputing as to who should be the greatest in His kingdom. {TDG 192.6}
以牺牲他人为代价而追寻凡事自己的优先,实在是一种不合算的经验。(《信函》1900年92号,7月2日,致凯洛格医生) {TDG 192.6}
Seeking our own preference at the expense of others is a dear experience to gain.—Letter 92, July 2, 1900, to Dr. J. H. Kellogg. {TDG 192.7}
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