八月三日 真理的能力
The Power of Truth, August 3
Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke. Isaiah 58:6. {TDG 224.1}
真理,宝贵的真理,其感化力能使人成圣。那由圣灵运行所促成的心灵的成圣,就是把基督的本性灌输给人类。它既是我们主耶稣基督的恩典彰显在品格中,也是将基督的恩典活跃实施在各项善工上。这样,品格就越来越完全地照着基督的形像得以变化,具有公义和真实的圣洁了。在神圣的真理中,有广泛的要求延伸到各方面的善工之中。福音的各项真理并不是毫无关连的;它们正和基督亲自所作的工一样,形成了一串天上的珍珠,又好像金线一般,交织在基督徒的全部工作与经验中。……{TDG 224.1}
Truth, precious truth, is sanctifying in its influence. The sanctification of the soul by the operation of the Holy Spirit is the implanting of Christ’s nature in humanity. It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed in character, and the graces of Christ brought into active exercise in good works. Thus the character is transformed more and more perfectly after the image of Christ, in righteousness and true holiness. There are broad requirements in divine truth stretching out interfacing into one line after another of good works. The truths of the gospel are not unconnected; uniting they form one string of heavenly jewels, as in the personal work of Christ, and like threads of gold they run through the whole of Christian work and experience.... {TDG 224.2}
要铭记向上帝的儿女表达上帝的怜悯与仁爱。遍查天与地,真理最有能力的表现,莫过于怜悯需要你同情的人,帮助折断轭,和使受压迫的人得自由了。这就是活出真理,这就是顺从真理,这就是教导那在耶稣里的真理。{TDG 224.2}
Let it be printed on the mind that mercy and the love of God are to be expressed to the children of God. Search heaven and earth, and there is no truth revealed more powerful than that which is manifested in mercy to the very ones who need your sympathy and aid in breaking the yoke, and setting free the oppressed. Here the truth is lived, the truth is obeyed, the truth is taught as it is in Jesus. {TDG 224.3}
有许多人声称信仰真理,然而在救助我们的同胞上实行出来的真理才是大有感化力、上达高天、广及永恒的。我们这个世界上的每一个人都在受着试炼;每一个人的经验,日常的生活史,都以不可能被误解的言语、说明他是否是实行基督的话并从事祂的工作的人。一大批只有上帝才看得见的小事在循环往复;在这些事上实践真理的原则,才会得到宝贵的奖赏。重大的事原是几乎人人都认可的,但是,能把这些事和那些生活上的所谓小事拼合交织在一起,却是自称为基督徒的人很少做到了的。宗教信仰有名无实,讲得太多,行得太少。{TDG 224.3}
There is a great amount of truth professed, but truth practiced in relieving our fellow men is of great influence, reaching unto heaven, and compassing eternity. Every soul in our world is on trial; every man’s experience, the common life history, tells in unmistakable language whether he is a doer of Christ’s words and His works. There is constantly recurring a large array of little things that God alone sees; to act out in these things the principles of truth will bring a precious reward. The great and important things are recognized by nearly all, but the knitting of these things with the supposed smaller things of life and closely connecting them as one, is too rarely done by professed Christians. Religion is too much profession, and too little reality. {TDG 224.4}
神圣的真理本应藉着我们的实践多多发挥感化力,却在我们的同胞身上没有什么感化力。真理,宝贵的真理,乃是耶稣在生活中成一种活泼的行动原则。(《文稿》1894年34号,8月3日){TDG 224.4}
Divine truth exercises little influence upon our fellow men, when it should exercise much influence through our practice. Truth, precious truth, is Jesus in the life, a living, acting principle.—Manuscript 34, August 3, 1894,. {TDG 224.5}
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