八月二十五日 上帝的律法永不改变
God’s Law Is Immutable, August 25
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Psalm 89:14. {TDG 246.1}
那违犯上帝律法的人,现在要尽可能的远离上帝的律法,这原是不足为奇的;因为律法判定他们有罪。可是那班坚持十条诫命在主钉十字架时就已作废的人,却也受了犹太人所受的相似欺骗。这一认为上帝的律法乃是严厉而不堪忍受的立场,乃是对那位按律法神圣条例统治宇宙的主表示轻视。凡阅读新旧约《圣经》而仍然持有这种见解的人,真是心被蒙蔽了。对这律法稍加违犯的刑罚就是死,而且除非有基督为罪人作“代求者”,这刑罚就必立刻降在每一违犯之人的身上了。公义配合了恩慈。基督与律法并肩共立,互相支持。律法使违犯的人知罪,基督却为罪人代求。{TDG 246.1}
It is no wonder that transgressors of God’s law at the present time will get as far from it as possible; for it condemns them. But those who hold that the ten commandments were abolished at the crucifixion of Christ are in a similar deception to that of the Jews. The position that the law of God is rigorous and unbearable casts contempt upon Him who governs the universe in accordance with its holy precepts. A veil is over the hearts of those who hold this view in reading both the Old and the New Testament. The penalty for the least transgression of that law is death, and but for Christ, the sinner’s Advocate, it would be summarily visited on every offender. Justice and mercy are blended. Christ and the law stand side by side. The law convicts the transgressor, and Christ pleads in the sinner’s behalf. {TDG 246.2}
基督的头一次降世,原是预示一个更为光明荣耀的时代的来临;可是,只因这一更丰满更荣耀的光刚刚开始出现,就对那较比微小的光加以轻视嘲笑,便的确构成忘恩负义的罪了。那些藐视犹太时代的福惠和光荣的人,并没有准备妥当蒙受传福音的恩惠。天父荣耀的光辉,和祂那神圣律法的卓越完美,只有藉着祂爱子在髑髅地所作的救赎才得以了解;可是,一旦拒绝上帝的律法,就连这一救赎也丧失它的意义了。{TDG 246.2}
With the first advent of Christ there was ushered in an era of greater light and glory; but it would indeed be sinful ingratitude to despise and ridicule the lesser light because a fuller and more glorious light had dawned. Those who despise the blessings and glory of the Jewish age are not prepared to be benefited by the preaching of the gospel. The brightness of the Father’s glory, and the excellence and perfection of His sacred law, are only understood through the atonement made upon Calvary by His dear Son; but even the atonement loses its significance when the law of God is rejected. {TDG 246.3}
基督的一生,就是天父律法的一种最完美而透彻的辩护,而且祂的死也证实了律法永不改变的特性。基督承担罪人的罪辜:却并没有因此就免除人遵守律法的义务;因为律法如果能够更改或废除的话,祂也就不必到这个世上来受难受死了。基督因为律法被违犯而受死的这一事实,正好证实天父的律法不可改变的性质。{TDG 246.3}
The life of Christ was a most perfect and thorough vindication of His Father’s law, and His death attested its immutability. Christ did not, by bearing the sinner’s guilt, release man from his obligation to obey the law; for if the law could have been changed or abolished, He need not have come to this world to suffer and die. The very fact that Christ died for its transgressions attests the unchanging character of the Father’s law. {TDG 246.4}
犹太人已经远离上帝了,他们在自己的教训中,已经把自己的遗传,顶替了上帝的律法。基督的生平和教训,却清楚明白地说明了这已被违犯之律法的原则。天上的众使者都明白祂使命的目的,就是要高举天父的律法,使它为大为尊,并要证明它的要求乃是正当的。(《时兆》1887年8月25日){TDG 246.4}
The Jews had departed from God, and in their teaching had substituted their own traditions for the divine law. The life and teachings of Christ made plain and distinct the principles of this violated law. The heavenly host understood that the object of His mission was to exalt the Father’s law and make it honorable, and to justify its claims.—The Signs of the Times, August 25, 1887. {TDG 246.5}
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