九月七日 骄傲在跌倒之先
Pride Goeth Before a Fall, September 7
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians 10:12. {TDG 259.1}
基督在彼得跌倒之前对他说:“西门,西门!撒但想要得着你们,好筛你们像筛麦子一样”(路22:31)。{TDG 259.1}
Just before Peter’s fall, Christ said to him, “Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31). {TDG 259.2}
救主对彼得的友谊是多么真诚!但警告还是遭到了反感。彼得凭着他的自负自满,自信地宣称,他绝不作出基督所警告他要小心的事。他说:“主啊,我就是同你下监,同你受死,也是甘心”(路22:33)。他的这种自信自恃,就注定了他的破产。他勾引了撒但来试探他,而且他也在这狡猾仇敌的诡计之下跌倒了。他在基督最需要他的时候,竟然站到仇敌的那一边去,公开地否认他的主了。……{TDG 259.2}
How true was the Saviour’s friendship for Peter! how compassionate His warning! But the warning was resented. In self-sufficiency Peter declared confidently that he would never do what Christ had warned him against. “Lord,” he said, “I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death” (verse 33). His self-confidence proved his ruin. He tempted Satan to tempt him, and he fell under the arts of the wily foe. When Christ needed him most, he stood on the side of the enemy, and openly denied his Lord.... {TDG 259.3}
今日有许多人象彼得那样,自以为不会否认他的主。他们因为自恃,就轻易落入撒但的圈套。而那些认识到自己的软弱的人,必依靠那比他更强的力量。当他们仰望上帝的时候,撒但就无力攻击他们。但依靠自己的人,必很容易被打败。务要记住,如果我们疏忽上帝给我们的警告,我们就会跌倒。基督不会救助凡自愿踏入仇敌阵地的人所受的伤。祂任凭那些骄傲自满,自以为是的人继续依靠自己想象中的力量。其结果是痛苦和终身残疾,或者失败和死亡。{TDG 259.3}
Many today stand where Peter stood, when in self-confidence he declared that he would not deny his Lord. And because of their self-sufficiency, they fall an easy prey to Satan’s devices. Those who realize their weakness trust in a power higher than self. And, while they look to God, Satan has no power against them. But those who trust in self are easily defeated. Let us remember that, if we do not heed the cautions that God gives us, a fall is before us. Christ will not save from wounds the one who places himself unbidden on the enemy’s ground. He lets the self-sufficient one, who acts as if he knew more than his Lord, go on in his supposed strength. Then comes suffering and a crippled life, or perhaps defeat and death. {TDG 259.4}
在这场战争中,仇敌总是利用机会,朝他所攻击的人们防守最弱之点进攻。他对这方面作最猛烈的袭击。基督徒在自己的防守上不应当有什么弱点。他应当用圣经所给予遵行上帝旨意之人的支持,来建立防御工事。遭受试探的人如果效法那位向试探者说“经上记着说”的主的榜样,他就必获得胜利。他可以凭着“耶和华如此说”的保障而安全地立稳。……{TDG 259.4}
In the warfare, the enemy takes advantage of the weakest points in the defence of those he is attacking. Here he makes his fiercest assaults. The Christian should have no weak points in his defence. He should be barricaded by the support that the Scriptures give to the one who is doing God’s will. The tempted soul will bear away the victory, if he follows the example of Him who met the tempter with the word, “It is written.” He can stand securely in the protection of a “Thus saith the Lord.” ... {TDG 259.5}
主准许祂的儿女跌倒;然后,只要他们悔悟自己的恶行,祂就要帮助他们站立在有利的地位。火是怎样的炼净金子,照样,基督也准许试探和试验来炼净祂的子民。(《文稿》1902年115号,9月7日, “自满的危险” ){TDG 259.5}
The Lord permits His children to fall; and then, if they repent of their wrongdoing, He helps them to stand on vantage ground. As fire purifies gold, so Christ purifies His people by temptation and trial.—Manuscript 115, September 7, 1902, “The Danger of Self-sufficiency.” {TDG 259.6}
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