九月九日 自觉罪过已得蒙赦免
Consciousness of Sins Forgiven, September 9
He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30. {TDG 261.1}
我看到我们中间这种缺乏实际宗教的情形,便觉得非常忧伤。大量表现的还是自我,而基督的精神却未得见到。我们所需要的乃是神圣的启导。我们要每天重新把自己奉献给上帝。{TDG 261.1}
I feel very sad when I see the want of practical religion in our very midst. Self is largely exhibited and the spirit of Christ is not discerned. We need the divine enlightenment. We want every day to renew our consecration to God. {TDG 261.2}
我们为什么会没有罪过已经得蒙赦免的自觉呢?那就是因为我们的不信。我们既没有实行基督的教训,也没有将祂的美德表现在自己的生活之中。如果主耶稣基督将快乐、高兴、和希望分赐给我们当中许多人,自负和骄傲可能就会大行其道了。什么时候凭着信心有耶稣住在心中,那么基督所赐给我们的教训,就必实行出来了。我们对于耶稣基督就必具有非常崇高的见解,而自我就必降为卑下了。我们的种种情感;必集中在耶稣身上;我们所有的思想,也必强烈地引向天国。基督就必兴旺,自我就必衰微。{TDG 261.2}
Why do we not have the consciousness of sins forgiven? It is because we are unbelieving. We are not practicing the teachings of Christ and bringing His virtues into our lives. Should the joy and exaltation and hope imparted by the Lord Jesus Christ be given to many of us, it would administer to self-esteem and pride. When Jesus is abiding in the heart by faith, the lessons which Christ has given us will be practiced. We will have such exalted views of Jesus Christ that self will be abased. Our affections will center in Jesus, our thoughts will be strongly drawn heavenward. Christ will increase, I will decrease. {TDG 261.3}
心思务必受到训练,专注在属天的事上。看出耶稣基督的可爱,结果就必产生自卑的心。我们既专注在基督圣德的种种优美上,就必看出罪恶的可憎性,而且也必凭着信心持住耶稣基督的义了。我们就必养成那在基督里的种种美德,好使我们可以向别人反映祂圣德的像征。我们在注视髑髅地的十字架时,我们就不会高抬自我,而是不断地想念到自己的不配,以及上天为我们得救所付的是多么大的代价;我们也必认明基督无比的大爱了。{TDG 261.3}
The mind must be trained to dwell upon heavenly things. Humility will come as the result of discerning the loveliness of Jesus Christ. Dwelling upon Christ’s excellencies of character, we shall see the offensive character of sin and will by faith grasp the righteousness of Jesus Christ. We will cultivate the virtues that dwell in Jesus, that we may reflect to others a representation of His character. When we look at the cross of Calvary, we will not exalt self, but keep constantly in view our unworthiness and how much our salvation cost heaven; we will discern Christ’s matchless love. {TDG 261.4}
许多人容许自己的心思,专注在自己的不配,似乎以为这是一种德行。实际上这对于他们本着全备的信心来就耶稣,正是一种阻碍呢。他们应当感觉到自己的不配,也应当因此──因为自己的有罪而感到有来就救主的必要;祂既是使他们配有价值的,而且只要他们悔改自卑,祂也必成为他们的义。他们的不配原是一项不认自明的事实。耶稣基督的配有价值却显而易见。因此每一心存疑虑的人,都要拿出希望和勇气来,因为他有配作他的救主的那一位。他唯一得救的希望,就是凭着信心把握住那自己所原没有的“配有价值”,但这也必是那位作我们之义者的耶稣基督所提供的。(《文稿》1889年21号,9月9日,日记){TDG 261.4}
Many allow their minds to dwell upon their unworthiness as though this was a virtue. It is a hindrance to their coming to Jesus in full assurance of faith. They should feel their unworthiness, and because of this—because of their sinfulness—should feel the necessity of coming to the Saviour, who is their worthiness and who will be their righteousness if they repent and humble themselves. Their unworthiness is a self-evident fact. Jesus Christ’s worthiness is a sure thing. Then let every doubting soul take hope and courage, because he has One who is worthy to be his Saviour. His only hope of salvation is to lay hold by faith of a worthiness which he has not but which will be supplied by Jesus Christ our righteousness.—Manuscript 21, September 9, 1889, diary. {TDG 261.5}
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