九月十八日 切莫贬低犯错之人
Never Demean the Erring, September 18
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things. Matthew 12:35. {TDG 270.1}
绝不要对待那些与你一起工作的人好像是不忠心的人,除非你有确凿的证据证明他们是不忠心的。即使当显然证明一个工人不忠心的时候,你对待他的方式也不要使他有藉口说:“你是苛刻的。” 你不要做任何会激怒犯错之人的事。不要以一种会激起人心最恶劣情绪的方式向信徒或非信徒施加压力。不要作出可能非常不公平的指控。这种行为会驱使人灭亡。……{TDG 270.1}
Never treat those with whom you work as unfaithful unless you have unmistakable evidence that they are unfaithful. And even when a worker’s unfaithfulness is clearly proved, you are not to deal with him in a manner that will give him excuse for saying, “You were harsh.” You are to do nothing that will provoke the erring to anger. Do not bear down on believers or unbelievers in a way that arouses the worst feelings of the heart. Do not make charges that may be cruelly unjust. By such a course, you may drive souls to perdition.... {TDG 270.2}
你在你的工作上要表现基督的同情心。你的话语要成为同情他的表示。你要说迦南的语言。你不再是属于这个世界的了。你既已从世界出来,就要和它的方式与习惯分开。在言行方面,你要表现上帝爱的宗旨。你总要以尊重对待你的同工们。……{TDG 270.2}
In your work you are to reveal the sympathy of Christ. Your words are to be an expression of His sympathy. You are to speak the language of Canaan. You are no more of the world. You have come out from the world, and you are to be separate from its methods and practices. In word and action you are to reveal God’s purposes of love. You are always to treat your fellow workers with respect.... {TDG 270.3}
那代替基督服务的人,向凡与祂有联系的人,显出上帝圣灵所结的善果,不过是克尽厥职而已。一句斥责或生气的话都不应听到,因为这样的话既是羞辱基督,也对于基督徒是不名誉的。那在服务中身为领导者的人,有责任要学习怎样控制自己。{TDG 270.3}
He who is serving in Christ’s stead is only doing his duty when he manifests to all connected with him the graces of the Spirit of God. Not a word of scolding or anger is to be heard, because such words dishonor Christ and reproach the name of Christian. It is a part of the duty of the one who is in service as a director to learn how to control himself. {TDG 270.4}
主耶稣已经拣选了世人作祂的器皿。他们要实行完成祂的计划。祂在髑髅地十字架上的死,乃是祂蒙羞受辱的顶点。祂那身为救赎者的工作,实在是有限世人所无法想像的。惟有那班对自我是死了,他们的生命是与基督一同藏在上帝里面的人,才能对那拯救堕落人类所献祭物的完备性,多少有些概念。{TDG 270.4}
The Lord Jesus has chosen human beings as His instruments. They are to carry out His purposes. His death on the cross of Calvary was the climax of His humiliation. His work as a redeemer is beyond finite conception. Only those who have died to self, whose lives are hid with Christ in God, can have any conception of the completeness of the offering made to save the fallen race. {TDG 270.5}
我们在日常生活中要效法基督的榜样。这样,在宗教生活上才会得到那出人意外的平安。我们参加任何的工作或事业,并不是要博得世人的尊敬或称赞。我们不要说一句话或者采取一项行动,以致降低别人心目中对那位为赎买拯救仇敌之权利,而在十字架蒙受羞辱之死的主所存的理想。(《信函》1901年196号9月18日,致圣赫勒那疗养院的一位负责人){TDG 270.5}
In the daily life we are to follow Christ’s example. Then into the religious life will come the peace that passes understanding. We are not to engage in any employment or enterprise to gain the praise or honor of men. We are not to speak one word or do one action that will lower in the minds of others the ideal they have of the One who died a death of shame on the cross that He might purchase the privilege of saving His enemies.—Letter 196, September 18, 1901, to an administrator at the St. Helena Sanitarium. {TDG 270.6}
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