九月二十二日 你出死入生了吗?
Have You Passed From Death to Life? September 22
We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 1 John 3:14. {TDG 274.1}
上帝的圣言,对我们所作有关我们相互关系的确切声明,我想我们实在太少赏识了。世人因为心中怀存着自私自利的意念,以致将思想集中在自己身上;甚至连那般似乎与上帝有联系的人,我们有时也看到他们是怎样的将思想多集中在自己身上,既不注意也不感觉到别人的需要,因此就觉得伤痛。我们都在人类的大组织网中联结在一起了,所以在我们彼此之间的一切的交际来往中,都应当力求以基督的心为心。要闭起眼睛来不顾那有需要和行将灭亡的人,听任罪人得不到警告;并因漠不关心和自私自利而引起他们说:“并没有人关心我的灵命。”那就是羞辱上帝,也使上帝的圣工受到指责了。我们的任务就是要在至圣的真道上彼此建立起来。{TDG 274.1}
I have been thinking how little we appreciate the decided declaration of the Word of God to us in regard to our relation with each other. There is that selfishness in the human heart that centers our thoughts upon ourselves; and even [in] those who seem to have a connection with God, we are pained sometimes to see how much of their thoughts are centered upon themselves, not seeing nor sensing the needs of others. We are connected together as in the great web of humanity, and in all our associations with one another we should seek to have the mind of Christ. To close the eyes to the needy and perishing, to leave sinners unwarned, and by indifference and selfishness tempt them to say, “No man careth for my soul,” is to dishonor God and bring reproach upon the cause of God. Our work is to build up one another in the most holy faith. {TDG 274.2}
如果我们中间没有存着完全的和谐,那么我们就不应当觉得:自己对这事是完全无可指责的。如果别人的思想感情,和我们自己的道路不相同,我们也不应当觉得他们全都错了,我们才是对的。我们要经常地保持思想在正确的方位上,好应验《约翰福音》第17章第21至23节所记基督的祷告。我们也需要明白,什么是基督吩咐我们当负的轭。什么是我们现在应担的担子,更要经常地本着善意和爱心,向自己的弟兄表示我们关心他,并且天天把爱心交织在我们的行为之中。这就是经过火炼的精金──信心与爱心。如果我们发现某一个人在任何方面有错,我们就不应当一言不发的过去算了,而是必须设法引导他出离黑暗进入光明之中。我们务必彼此保卫别人的福利像保卫自己的一样。我们并没有按我们所当行的看重生灵的价值。我们应当要在伟大的弟兄关系上团结一致,并应设身处地足能凭坚忍谦和的心容忍彼此的过失,互相承担各人的重担(见弗5:1,2)。{TDG 274.2}
If there is not that perfect harmony existing between us, we should not feel that we ourselves are not at all to blame in the matter. If another’s thoughts and feelings are not in the same channel as our own, we should not feel that they are all wrong and we are right. We want to constantly keep the mind at the right point, to answer the prayer of Christ in John 17:21-23. We want to know what is the yoke Christ bids us take and the burdens we are to carry at this time, and constantly seek in kindness and love to show our brother that we have an interest in him, and bring love into our actions day by day. This is the gold tried in the fire—faith and love. If we see one in error on any point we should not pass along and say nothing, but we must try to bring him out from darkness into light. We must guard each other’s interests as we do our own. We do not value the soul as we should. We ought to be united in one great brotherhood and be in that place where we can bear with the faults of one another with all longsuffering and meekness, and seek to bear one another’s burdens. (See Ephesians 5:1, 2.) {TDG 274.3}
好的,你们说这是牧师传道人的工作,可是这也是我们各人的工作呢。(《文稿》1886年13号,9月22日, “论基督徒弟兄关系”) {TDG 274.3}
Well, you say this is the work of the minister. But it is also the work of each of us.—Manuscript 13, September 22, 1886, “The Christian Brotherhood.” {TDG 274.4}
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