十月二十五日 家庭宗教的重要性
Importance of Home Religion, October 25
I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me. Hebrews 2:13. {TDG 307.1}
需要有不断的警醒,每日的重新悔改,这样;我们各人自己品格的特性,必全然成圣归与上帝了。我们所有的能力都要清除罪恶的渣滓,并要加以训练好从事服务。有许多人虽然自称要作上帝的仆人,并仰望基督的快要复临,但他们却没有那凡毫无瑕疵,站在上帝面前者所必须具有的经验。他们在品格的建设方面不断地犯错。继续地犯这些错误实在是一件不合算的事,因为这些错误会阻碍神圣人生的进步。{TDG 307.1}
There is need of constant watchfulness, a daily reconversion, that our individual traits of character shall be wholly sanctified to God. All our powers are to be purified from the dross of sin, and trained for service. There are many who, while professing to be the servants of God, and to be looking for the soon return of Christ, are not having the experience that all must have who stand without fault before God. They are making mistakes in the work of character building. To continue to make these mistakes is a costly business, for they hinder the progress in the divine life. {TDG 307.2}
我们宗教方面的义务,是从在家庭生活中忠心地侍奉上帝开始的。我受了督促要当众并私底下,向身为父母的人作诚恳的见证,好使他们得蒙引导,要奉献他们一切的能力为基督作神圣的服务。我蒙指示,要向本会的会友们强调受上帝圣灵充满的需要。圣灵必教导信徒,随时随地一有机会就和基督同心合意地从事工作。当本会一些个别的家庭出现在我面前时,我就看出了他们最大的需要,就是上帝那使人悔改的能力。……{TDG 307.2}
Our religious obligations begin in serving God faithfully in the home life. I am urged to bear earnest testimony to parents in public and private, that they may be led to devote all their powers in sanctified service for Christ. I am instructed to urge upon our people the need of being imbued with the Spirit of God. This Spirit will teach believers to work in harmony with Christ whenever and wherever opportunity offers. As different families among our people have been presented before me, I have been shown their great need of the converting power of God.... {TDG 307.3}
家庭中的宗教原是具有极大重要性的。身为父母的人,对于自己儿女所接受的品格陶冶、负有大部分的责任。……如果作父母的肯教导自己的儿女遵照上帝圣言的原则行事为人,这些儿女就会不知不觉地教导别人作基督徒的意义。但愿身为父母的人在儿女面前保持真基督徒的尊严,这样,他们对于建立基督之国的工作就必大有助益。{TDG 307.3}
Religion in the home is of vital importance. Upon fathers and mothers rest to a large degree the responsibility for the mold of character that their children receive.... If parents will teach their children to conduct themselves according to the principles of the Word of God, these children will unconsciously teach others what it means to be Christians. Let parents maintain true Christian dignity before their children, and they will be greatly aided in their work of upbuilding the kingdom of Christ. {TDG 307.4}
使徒保罗形容那生在这末世的儿女,说他们是“违背父母,忘恩负义,心不圣洁”的。要紧的是作父母的人要认清楚这时代的趋势,并要坚持不懈地努力教育自己的儿女远离那些事,教导他们敬爱基督并且效学祂的生活为人,藉以准备他们在那将来的圣洁生活中也有一份。(《信函》1911年90号,10月25日,致S.N.赫斯格长老夫妇{TDG 307.4}
The apostle Paul, describing the children living in these last days, declares them to be “disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.” It is important that parents realize the tendency of the age, and labor untiringly to educate their children away from those things, preparing them, by teaching them to love and copy the life of Christ, for a place in the future life of holiness.—Letter 90, October 25, 1911, to Elder and Mrs. S. N. Haskell. {TDG 307.5}
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