十月三十日 撒但还没有死
Satan Is Not Dead, October 30
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil. John 17:15. {TDG 312.1}
撒但不是死的或瘫痪的,他预备人心渐渐充满他的精神,依照他的样式作工,反对那些在上帝为这些末后的日子所作的工作中负责的人。将来,撒但最后的杰作将会以比以往任何时候都大的能力实行出来。他已经学了很多,他充满了科学化的诡计,要使在基督监管之下的工作无效。……{TDG 312.1}
Satan is not dead or palsied, and he prepares minds by degrees to become imbued with his spirit, and to work after the same manner as he works against those who bear responsibilities in the work of God for these last days. In the future Satan’s last exploits will be carried out with more power than ever before. He has learned much, and he is full of scientific scheming to make of no effect the work that is under the supervision of the One who came to the Isle of Patmos to educate John, and to give him instruction to be given to the churches.... {TDG 312.2}
各式各样的巧计都要使出,每种可能的方法都要利用,来引诱人度虚伪的生活,促使真理不像上帝原订计划那样的坚定,为要预备一班人藉着圣灵得以成圣,象磐石一般的持守原则。……{TDG 312.2}
Every ingenious device will be used, every possible method taken advantage of, to lead men to live a lie, that the truth shall not stand as God designed it to stand, to prepare a people, through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, to stand firm as a rock to principle.... {TDG 312.3}
有一些人并没有在上帝面前存谦卑的心,也不肯正直地行事为人。他们埋没了真诚的宗旨,反倒去和那喜爱并制造虚谎的堕落天使同流合污。仇敌把他的精神也灌输给那些他能利用去欺骗凡仍与黑暗有份之人的人。……{TDG 312.3}
There are those who do not humble their hearts before God, and who will not walk uprightly. They hide their true purposes, and keep in fellowship with the fallen angel, who loveth and maketh a lie. The enemy puts his spirit upon the men whom he can use to deceive those who are partially in the dark.... {TDG 312.4}
“你们等候惊奇吧!你们宴乐昏迷吧!他们醉了,却非因酒;他们东倒西歪,却非因浓酒。因为耶和华将沉睡的灵浇灌你们,封闭你们的眼,蒙盖你们的头。你们的眼就是先知;你们的头就是先见”(赛29:9-10)。许多自以为会得到高举的人陷入属灵的沉醉之中。他们的宗教信仰正如这段经文中所描绘的。他们在沉醉的影响下,无法向前直行。他们的做法使他们行走弯曲的道路,一个个东倒西歪。主深为慈怜地看着他们。他们不知道真理的道路。他们是科学化的阴谋家。那些能够和应该凭清晰的属灵眼光帮助人的人,自己却受了骗,支持罪恶的工作。{TDG 312.4}
“Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered” (Isaiah 29:9, 10). A spiritual drunkenness is upon many who suppose they are the people who shall be exalted. Their religious faith is just as is represented in this scripture. Under its influence, they cannot walk straight.... They are scientific schemers, and those who could and should have helped, because of a clear spiritual eyesight, are themselves deceived, and are sustaining an evil work. {TDG 312.5}
这些末后时日中要发展的事,不久就要成为确定的了。一旦这般属灵方面的骗局真相暴露──显明是邪灵的暗中活动,那班在这些事上有份的人,就都必变成象丧心病狂一般的人了。(《信函》1905年311号,10月30日,致丹尼尔斯和普雷斯科特弟兄,以及他们的同工){TDG 312.5}
The developments of these last days will soon become decided. When these spiritualistic deceptions are revealed to be what they really are—the secret workings of evil spirits—those who have acted a part in them will become as men who have lost their minds.—Letter 311, October 30, 1905, to Brethren Daniells and Prescott and their associates. {TDG 312.6}
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