十一月六日 与罪恶周旋
Dallying With Sin, November 6
And Peter followed him afar off, even into the palace of the high priest: and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire. Mark 14:54. {TDG 319.1}
任何人都不可滥用或曲解上帝的仁慈,以为可以随心所欲犯罪作恶,同时又不放弃最后得蒙上帝赦免拯救的希望。尽可能远远地跟随基督,企图在毁灭的边缘行走而不失足,这乃是不幸的决定。{TDG 319.1}
No one should venture or presume upon the mercy of God, feeling at liberty to sin as much as they dare, and not abandon the hope that God will finally pardon and save. It is a sad resolve to follow Christ as far off as possible, venturing as near the verge of perdition as possible without falling in. {TDG 319.2}
基督在十字架上为我们受死,是一种伟大的牺牲。我们愿意为祂的爱作出什么牺牲呢?耶稣说:“你们若爱我,就必就遵守我的命令。”──不是选择一条、两条或九条,而是全部十条。必须遵守祂的全部诫命。约翰对我们论到那些假装爱上帝却不顺从祂诫命的人说:“人若说我认识祂,却不遵守祂的诫命,便是说谎话的,真理也不在他心里了” (约壹2:4)。“我们遵守上帝的诫命,这就是爱祂了,并且祂的诫命不是难守的” (约壹5:3)。……{TDG 319.2}
It was a great sacrifice Christ made for man in dying for him upon the cross. What are we willing to sacrifice for His love? Jesus says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15)—not to select out one or two or nine, but the whole ten—all His commandments must be kept. John tells us of those who pretend to love but do not obey God’s requirements. “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4). “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous” (chap. 5:3).... {TDG 319.3}
耶稣就列在地上卑微的人之中,祂没有站在有学问的拉比和官长一边,没有站在世上的权贵中间,而是站在卑微的人一边。真理从来就不是在大多数的人中找到的,而始终是在少数人中发现的。{TDG 319.3}
Jesus was among the lowly of the earth. He did not take His position by the side of the learned rabbis or the rulers. He was not found among the potentates of earth, but among the lowly ones. The truth was never found among the majority. It was ever found among the minority. {TDG 319.4}
天上的使者没有来到先知学校,在圣殿或会堂歌唱,而是来到愿意接受信息的卑微者身边。他们在伯利恒的平原,欢唱救主降生的佳音,而那些权贵、官长和高贵的人却茫然无知,因为他们非常满意自己的现状,不觉得需要比他们更大的敬虔。……{TDG 319.4}
The angels from heaven did not come to the school of the prophets and sing their anthems over the temple or synagogues, but they went to the men who were humble enough to receive the message. They sang the glad tidings of a Saviour over Bethlehem’s plains, while the great men, the rulers, and honorable men were left in darkness, because they were perfectly satisfied with their position and felt no need of a piety greater than that which they possessed.... {TDG 319.5}
伟人和自命的善人,会因刚愎和自命不凡而作出可怕的事,却仍自以为在侍奉上帝。他们是靠不住的。我要不计代价追求的真理,就是圣经的真理。我们要像高尚的庇哩亚人那样,每日恳切祷告,了解何为真理,然后不惜任何代价顺从真理,不请教名人或所谓善人。(《信函》1877年35号,11月6日,寄一位非复临信徒的亲戚卡罗琳?克拉夫){TDG 319.5}
Great men and professedly very good men may do terrible deeds in their bigotry and self-exalted position, and flatter themselves that they are doing God service. It will not do to rely upon them. Truth, Bible truth, you and I want at any cost. Like the noble Bereans, we want to search the Scriptures daily, with earnest prayer, to know what is truth, and then obey the truth at any cost to ourselves, without reference to the great men or good men.—Letter 35, November 6, 1877, to Caroline Clough, a non-Adventist relative. {TDG 319.6}
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