十一月十五日 目前的好处和将来的利益
Present Advantages and Future Benefits, November 15
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2. {TDG 328.1}
我们对那些在困难时期恩待过我们的人应当心存感激。但因朋友的仁慈无私所引起的这些情感,应当是对天上良友仁爱和同情的回应。……最密切最亲爱的亲友所表现的友谊,远不及耶稣基督的表现。与耶稣的爱相比,人世的爱是微不足道的。对于那些曾经帮助过我们,或为我们受过苦的人,我们自然应当心怀最热忱的感情。{TDG 328.1}
We should ever cherish feelings of gratitude to those who have shown us favors in times of need. But these feelings that are so readily called into exercise by the kindness and disinterestedness of our friends should respond to the love and compassion of our benevolent heavenly Friend.... The friendship expressed by nearest and dearest relatives and friends is so far surpassed by the revelation of Jesus Christ that the former is dumb and expressionless when compared with the latter. It is natural that the heart should entertain sentiments of the warmest affection toward those who have done or suffered something for us. {TDG 328.2}
让我带你们到耶稣钉十字架的现场,向你们指出上帝的儿子正在为你们受死。难道基督钉十字架的场面引不起你的感激吗?难道它还不能扫除对为我们所作伟大牺牲的冷漠和无情吗?……{TDG 328.2}
Let me lead you to the scene of the crucifixion and show you the Son of God dying in your stead. Will not the spectacle of the cross of Christ awaken every feeling of gratitude? Will it not sweep away the coldness and indifference which steels the senses to the great sacrifice made in our behalf? ... {TDG 328.3}
人类的仇敌撒但不断利用他的诡计和魔力盗取我们的知觉,麻木我们对自己最高福利的情感。对于一些生活上的琐屑小事,倒任凭感情泛滥,但是在永恒的福利上,感情却反倒受着束缚,好像是被魔绳捆住了。……{TDG 328.3}
Satan, the adversary of souls, is constantly at work with his devices and enchantments, stealing away the senses and deadening the feelings to our highest interest. To all the little matters of life the affections are given free play, but in eternal interest the affections are trammeled, bound as by magical cords.... {TDG 328.4}
许多人忍受贫困,作出重大的牺牲,来追求将来的利益。他们为了将来的利益,放弃了眼前的舒适作为代价。可是耶稣所提供顺从的报偿乃是永生。为了日后的利益,既然舍得牺牲属世暂时的利益,为了将来永生无可比拟的财富和荣耀,更当如何牺牲安逸、享乐和目前属世的好处呢?不要让属世引诱的魔力盗取来自上帝的情感,使人对永恒的利益无动于衷。要关注看不见的事物。要将耶稣珍藏在心。要全心全意地爱祂。(《信函》1871年15a号,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特,当时埃德森22岁,艾玛23岁){TDG 328.4}
There are so many who endure privation and pursue at considerable sacrifice a course which promises advantages in the future. They forego present comfort for a future inducement as an equivalent, but here Jesus presents eternal life as the reward of obedience, and if paltry things of earthly gain will be sacrificed for some future good, how much more should ease, pleasure, and present worldly advantages be sacrificed for the incomparable riches and glory of the future immortal life. Let not the sorcery of earthly enchantments steal the affections from God and harden the heart to eternal interest. Look at the things that are unseen. Enshrine Jesus in the heart. Love Him with your whole soul.—Letter 15a, November 15, 1871, to Edson and Emma White. Edson was 22 and Emma was 23. {TDG 328.5}
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