二月一日 上帝所期待的是什么
What God Expects, February 1
God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.... Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. James 4:6-10. {TDG 40.1}
上帝把责任交托给人的时候,祂总期望他们要遵守祂的律法。他们要公正地待人,时常感觉到有主在察看他们跟自己同胞所有的一切交易来往,而且对于每一不公正、带有压制性的行为,祂都必惩罚。上帝给人有机会与基督合而为一,也与祂合而为一。凡本着敬畏上帝的心、想念默想着祂的圣德而行事为人的人,就必一天一天地越来越像基督。那些宁愿选择不认识上帝的人,却必虚张声势,妄自尊大。{TDG 40.1}
When God entrusts men with responsibilities, He expects them to obey His law. They are to deal justly, realizing that the Lord beholds all their dealings with their fellow men, and that He will punish every unjust, oppressive action. God gives men opportunities to become one with Christ and one with Him. Those who walk in the fear of God, meditating upon His character, will daily become more and more like Christ. Those who choose not to know God will be ostentatious and boastful. {TDG 40.2}
有许多人装出一副自以为非常高贵的样子。然而在上帝看来,他们都是愚昧人。他们并没有对着神圣的镜子照一照,也不晓得他们的装模作样、在一位神圣的上帝看来该是多么地可笑?那位透过外表洞察内里的主、,轻看他们的这种自负自满。他们虽然在教会中或在社会上、负有受信托的地位,但只要他们这样继续下去玷辱他们的创造主,把他们自己捧成崇拜的对象,那么,他们在祂看来,还是可憎厌的。{TDG 40.2}
There are many who put on what they think to be great dignity. But in God’s sight they are fools. They have not looked into the divine mirror, and they do not know how ridiculous is their pretension in the sight of a holy God. He who looks beneath the surface despises their self-sufficiency. They may hold positions of trust in the church or in the world, but so long as they continue to dishonor their Creator, making themselves the object of worship, they are an offense to Him. {TDG 40.3}
上帝并不喜欢惩罚那些行事为人跟祂相反、误表祂圣德的人。可是,他们若不悔改,时候一到,他们就一定会收获自己行为的必然报应。……{TDG 40.3}
God does not take pleasure in punishing those who walk contrary to Him, giving a false representation of His character. But unless they repent, the time will come when they must reap the sure reward of their course of action.... {TDG 40.4}
凡已经立约要侍奉上帝的人要谨慎恐惧战兢,免得自己的生活落到真假莫辨、是非不分的地步。他们不可转变方向,偏向虚假的异像、和世人的猜想与奉承。义人的生活要使那帮拒绝向上帝表示忠诚的人蒙羞。……上帝号召祂的子民要完全存心谦卑、地行在祂的面前。祂惟愿他们在属灵的知识上、达到高而又高的地步。他提出提供各种劝导方法来,要引导人们转回向祂表示忠诚。……{TDG 40.4}
Those who have entered into a covenant to serve God are to fear lest their lives be such that they will not show the contrast between truth and error. They are not to turn aside to vain visions and human conjectures and flatteries. The lives of the righteous are to put to shame those who refuse to offer their allegiance to God.... God calls upon His people to walk before Him in all humility. He would have them reach higher and still higher in spiritual knowledge. He holds out every inducement to lead men to return to their allegiance to Him.... {TDG 40.5}
上帝正在力图导使人自我谦卑。祂尽力要引领他们追随那位伟大的医疗布道士,步祂的后尘。可惜,救赎主却往往感到失望,并被那些自吹自擂、大言不惭自命不凡的人重钉十字架了。(《信函》1904年61号,2月1日,致 “我担任负责工作的弟兄们” ){TDG 40.5}
God is seeking to lead men to humble themselves. He tries to guide them to place their feet in the steps of the great Medical Missionary. But the Redeemer is often disappointed and crucified afresh by those professing so much.—Letter 61, February 1, 1904, to “My Brethren Bearing Responsibilities.” {TDG 40.6}
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