十一月二十五日 催促基督的复临
Hastening Christ’s Coming, November 25
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God. 2 Peter 3:11, 12. {TDG 338.1}
当英国女王举行周年纪念的时候,我正好也在英国。(这是1887年举行的维多利亚女王即位五十周年纪念。)她的相片悬挂在所有的窗户上,也印在报纸上、玻璃杯上、和一切的东西上面。凡足以保持她在民众思想和记忆中的事,样样都做到了。多么盛大的游行啊!千千万万的金钱都花用在这特殊场合上了。为什么,人们花费好多的钱,只是为了要在窗户那里买一个座位,好观赏游行。为了要在窗户那里找一个位置好瞻仰女王,竟不惜付上两三百块钱之多。{TDG 338.1}
I was in England at the time of the queen’s jubilee.* Her picture was in all the windows, upon paper, upon glass, on everything. Everything was done to keep her in the memory and thoughts of the people. Such parades! Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars expended upon that occasion. Why, the people paid dollars, just for a place to sit in the windows and see the parade. Two or three hundred dollars paid for a position in a window to see the queen. {TDG 338.2}
这一轰动大事发生的时候,我正好也在伦敦。这事使我感到难过。……他们当然有权这样做,可是我却想到;……我们正在这里盼望主驾着天上的云降临。我们常常心里记念祂吗?如果我们真正地相信耶稣;如果我们真正地相信祂要复临;如果我们是常住在基督里面,我们就不会为每一个小小磨难的十字架诉苦抱怨了。我们就必想念到我们的救主基督为我们所作的。我们一注目髑髅地的十字架,我们那些细小的苦恼就必从眼前消逝不见了。我们既身为基督徒,为什么不高举这位髑髅地的主呢?基督脱下了祂荣耀的王袍,为了我们的缘故成为贫穷的。祂原来富足,反倒成了贫穷的,使我们因祂的贫穷可以成为富足。{TDG 338.2}
I was right there in London when this excitement took place. It made me sad.... They had the right to do this, but I thought: ... Here we are looking for the Lord to come in the clouds of heaven. Do we keep Him in mind? If we really believe in Jesus, if we really believe in His coming, if we are abiding in Christ, we shall not be complaining about every little cross. We shall be thinking of what Christ our Saviour has done in our behalf. As we look at the cross of Calvary, our petty vexations will vanish from sight. Why should we not as Christians lift Him up, the Man of Calvary? Why, Christ laid aside His robes of glory, and for our sakes He became poor. He was rich, and He became poor, that through His poverty we might become rich. {TDG 338.3}
除非我们凭着信心持住基督,那种牺牲对于我们将是徒然无益的。我们自己全无公义可言。所有一切的预言都指示我们万物的结局近了。但愿我们全都在上帝面前使自己的心归正。……{TDG 338.3}
That sacrifice will be lost to us, unless we lay hold upon Christ by faith. We have no righteousness of ourselves at all. All the prophecies show us that the end of all things is at hand. Let us be getting our hearts right before God.... {TDG 338.4}
来生是的确有的。而且是永恒的。是幸福的生活。那里死亡无法侵入。那里没有瘴气的污染。没有疾病,没有痛苦和忧伤。你们想要在那里吗?那里的街道是精金铺砌的,你们也必得见那位大君王的荣美。我一定要在那里。我必定要见到那位大君王的威严。不要误引人相信他们可以带着自己的罪到那里去。品格必须在今生此世改变妥当。如果我们要在天国永远唱那救赎的诗歌,那么我们就必须在今生此世学会唱救赎的诗歌。要歌颂上帝的善良。谈论祂的权能。(《文稿》1888年20号,11月25日, “一篇好证道”) {TDG 338.4}
There is a life beyond. An eternity. A life of happiness. No death can enter there. There will be no malarial taint there. No sickness, or pain or sorrow. Do you not want to be there? The streets are paved with gold, and you will see the King in His glory. I must be there. I must see the King in His majesty. Don’t lead people to believe they can go there and take their sins right along. The characters must be changed here. We must learn to sing the songs of redemption here, if we ever sing the songs of redemption in heaven. Sing of God’s goodness. Talk of His power.—Manuscript 20, November 25, 1888, “A Good Sermon.” {TDG 338.5}
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