十二月二十九日 完全遵行上帝的旨意
Perfect Conformity to God’s Will, December 29
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8. {TDG 372.1}
我的兄弟姊妹:我们需要时常将基督完全的榜样摆在面前。什么时候我们容许自己的心思专注在别人的不完全上,我们自己的心灵就必充满罪恶的酵。{TDG 372.1}
My brother and sister, we need to keep before us the example of Christ’s perfection. When we allow our minds to dwell upon the imperfections of others, our own souls become filled with the leaven of evil. {TDG 372.2}
我们在努力将现代真理传给世人的时候,会遇到许多困难,但只要我们让自己的心思意念专注于可爱的救主,只要我们讲述祂的慈爱和权能,一切的困难都会消散,我们也必在救主的慈爱保证下成为快乐的人。我们所依赖的不是世界和它的变化无常。上帝本性的一切丰富都有形有体地居住在主耶稣身上。祂还拥有智慧和知识的一切财富。祂是我们的喜乐和所夸的冠冕,是我们的平安,我们的力量,我们的满足。既然这样,不论有什么外来的或内在的事发生,我们都应当欢喜快乐。{TDG 372.2}
In our endeavors to represent the truth for this time to the world, we shall meet with many difficulties, but, if we will keep the heart and mind fixed upon the precious Saviour, if we talk of His love and power, the perplexities will pass away, and we shall become happy in the assurance of a Saviour’s love. We are not dependent upon the world and its changeableness. He in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, is our joy and crown of rejoicing, our peace, our power, our satisfaction. Then let us rejoice, whatever may happen, within and without. {TDG 372.3}
我们必须获得足够的基督恩典,使我们今生在爱里团结合一,否则我们在来生就不可能住在一起了。我正尽力要向我们的信徒指出需要基督所祈求的合而为一。我们必须完全承认上帝圣言的能力和权威。完美的榜样基督始终摆在我们面前的。我们可以向祂寻求恩典和能力来克服每一缺点。{TDG 372.3}
We must obtain that measure of the grace of Christ that will enable us to dwell together in love and unity in this life, else we can never dwell together in the life to come. I am trying to show our people the need of the unity for which Christ prayed. The soul must fully own the power and authority of the Word of God. Christ, the perfect example, is ever before us. To Him we may look for grace and power to overcome every fault. {TDG 372.4}
我们要在日常生活上实行基督生活所显示的完美原则,为上帝的大日作好准备。我们蒙祂选召作祂的代表。我们是上帝的儿女。我们藉着被立为属灵的后嗣而成为祂的儿女。我们要遵行祂的旨意,在生活和品格上代表祂。{TDG 372.4}
We are to get ready for the great day of God by carrying out in the daily life the perfect principles presented to us in the life of Christ. We are called by Him to be His representatives. We are God’s children. By spiritual adoption we become His sons and daughters. We are to live in conformity to His will, representing Him in life and character. {TDG 372.5}
得永命的条件就是完全遵行上帝的旨意。……我的弟兄姊妹啊,但愿上帝赐福给你们,藉着祂圣言的知识引导你们,直到完全了解祂对你们的旨意。(《信函》1911年第96号,从加利福尼亚疗养院致J.J.格拉韦尔夫人,1911年12月29日){TDG 372.5}
Perfect conformity to the will of God is the condition of which eternal life is given.... May the Lord bless you, my brother and sister, and lead you, through a knowledge of His Word, to a perfect understanding of His will concerning you.—Letter 96, December 29, 1911, to Mrs. J. J. Gravelle, a lay sister in North Dakota. {TDG 372.6}
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