三月二十二日 宽限与完美
Probation and Perfection, March 22
Do you give service? Give it as in the strength which God supplies. In all things so act that the glory may be God’s through Jesus Christ; to him belong glory and power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:11, N.E.B. {TDG 90.1}
世人所拥有的各种才智、心灵、身体与精神,都是上帝所赐予他们的,要加以合适的教育和训练,以便达到最高度可能的优美。人的能力必须与上帝的旨意合作,这样作,人才可以称为上帝的同工。凡是上帝所赐予的每一项才能,每一项属性,都应当用来荣耀祂的圣名。人必须与基督合作,在人身上恢复上帝道德的形像;而且只有背负基督的轭,天天学习基督的柔和谦卑,基督才能用他作替他同胞加惠造福的人。{TDG 90.1}
All the varied capabilities that men possess, soul, body, and spirit, are given them of God to be so educated and trained that they may reach the highest possible degree of excellence. The human agency must cooperate with the divine purpose, and in so doing man is pronounced a laborer together with God. Every faculty, every attribute with which God has endowed us is to be used to His name’s glory. Man must cooperate with Christ to restore the moral image of God in man, and it is in wearing the yoke of Christ, and learning daily Christ’s meekness and lowliness, that Christ can use him to be a blessing to his fellow men. {TDG 90.2}
他首先要受基督的教导,然后就要善于保卫自己的心意与灵性,这样他就会成就圣洁的目的,提高他自己的思想达到纯洁高尚的地步,并且藉着言语和榜样,在他同胞的心灵中唤起专诚与感恩的意念来。他既然这样做,那就是与上帝同工的了。他不可运用任何一项受托的恩赐来高抬自己,寻求人的称赞,但要高举上帝,激励心志──不想到可以使自己得到什么荣耀,而只想到怎样表明自己是为同胞谋福的人,并成为最有效的工具,藉以吸引人注意属天的事物。他务必要在言语和行为上教导别人跟随基督的脚踪而行。这样,他自己的心智就必获得良好的均衡发展,同时他所禀赋的天资也必被赏识为上帝的恩赐,要尽一切的可能用来帮助推进上帝的伟大计划了。他由于在上帝的伟大计划中与祂采取谐和一致的行动,就必克尽自己所蒙指派的职责。他必藉着上帝所赐给他的恩典,自动转回达成基督圣德的完美。既已藉着上帝的恩典将自己提高改善了,就已经准备妥当,可用自己言行方面所表现的品格变化,藉着规则和榜样,去提高改善自己的同胞。{TDG 90.2}
Taught first by Christ, and then guarding his own mind and soul, he shall serve a holy purpose in lifting his own thought to that which is pure and elevating, and through words and example awaken in the soul of his fellow men devotion and gratitude to God. In thus doing he is a laborer together with God. He is not to employ one entrusted gift to exalt self, to seek praise of men, but to exalt God, to inspire minds—not to think of what glory he may bring to himself, but how he can prove himself a blessing to his fellow men and become the most successful agency to draw souls to contemplate heavenly things. He must teach others in words and deeds to walk in Christ’s footsteps. Then his own mind will become well-balanced, and his endowments will be appreciated as the gift of God to be employed in God’s great plan to help in every way possible. By harmonious action with God in His great plan, he will fill his appointed place. He will bring himself back, through the grace of God given him to the perfection of Christ’s character. Uplifted himself, through the grace of God, he is prepared to uplift by his own transformation of character his fellow men both by precept and example. {TDG 90.3}
上帝所给的恩赐,不但是要用来消费,也是要用来生产的。在任何情形之下,这种工作都不可成为以自我为中心的工作,也不能将自己的同工排斥在外。……{TDG 90.3}
All the gifts of God are to be exercised to produce as well as to consume. In no case can this work become a self-centered work, or exclusive of his fellow workmen.... {TDG 90.4}
这一宽限试验的人生,原是赐予人,要使人恢复到一切得救之人品格所必须具有的完美。上帝的律法就是祂圣德的反映。(《信函》1900年46号3月22日,致澳大利亚的信徒大卫?斯蒂德){TDG 90.4}
This probationary life is given to bring man back to this perfection which is to be the character of all who shall be saved. The law of God is a reflection of His character.—Letter 46, March 22, 1900, to David Steed, an Australian believer. {TDG 90.5}
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