三月二十五日 进行正确的察验
Making Your Trial Balance, March 25
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21. {TDG 93.1}
弟兄们,我们必须深打矿井到真理的矿山中。只要你们以正确的精神从事,是可以自己质疑问题和彼此质疑的;但往往自我很大,一开始查究,就显出了不象基督的精神。这正是撒但喜欢的事,但我们应该以谦卑的心前来,亲自知道何为真理。时候将到,我们会被分散开,我们各人将不得不独自站立而没有特权与那些拥有同样宝贵信心的人团契;若没有上帝站在你身边,你若不知道祂在带领你和引导你,你怎么能站立得住呢?每当我们来研究圣经真理的时候,会众之主就与我们同在。主并不让航船有片刻让无知的领航员驾驶。我们可以从我们救恩的元帅领受命令。……{TDG 93.1}
Brethren, we must sink the shaft deep in the mine of truth. You may question matters with yourselves and with one another, if you only do it in the right spirit; but too often self is large, and as soon as investigation begins, an unchristian spirit is manifested. This is just what Satan delights in, but we should come with a humble heart to know for ourselves what is truth. The time is coming when we shall be separated and scattered, and each one of us will have to stand without the privilege of communion with those of like precious faith; and how can you stand unless God is by your side, and you know that He is leading and guiding you? Whenever we come to investigate Bible truth, the Master of assemblies is with us. The Lord does not leave the ship one moment to be steered by ignorant pilots. We may receive our orders from the Captain of our salvation.... {TDG 93.2}
如果有弟兄传讲谬论,负责的人就应该知道这事;如果他是在教导真理,他们就应该站在他一边。我们都应当知道在我们中间正在教导什么;因为如果它是真理,我们就需要明白它。每位安息日学的教员必须明白它,每位安息日学的学员也应该了解它。凡是上帝所传给我们的,我们都对上帝负有需要明白之的义务。祂已经给予我们种种指导,使我们可藉以试验每一项教义——“以训诲和法度为标准;他们所说的,若不与此相符,是因他们里面没有光”(赛8:20)。但是如果它与这标准相符,你们就不可充满偏见,仅仅因为它跟你们的见解不合就不接受。{TDG 93.2}
If a brother is teaching error, those who are in responsible positions ought to know it; and if he is teaching truth, they ought to take their stand at his side. We should all know what is being taught among us, for if it is truth, we need to know it. The Sabbath school teacher needs to know it, and every Sabbath school scholar ought to understand it. We are all under obligation to God to know what He sends to us. He has given directions by which we may test every doctrine—“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). But if it is according to this test, do not be so full of prejudice that you cannot acknowledge a point when it is proved to you, simply because it does not agree with your ideas. {TDG 93.3}
不要抓住每一个异议,无论它多么小,不要尽量夸大它,也不要留下来以备将来使用。虽然没有人说过我们会在任何人的研究里得以完全,但我确实知道,我们的各教会因缺少教导因信基督而成义的问题和相似的真理而快要死了。{TDG 93.3}
Do not catch at every objection, however small, and make it as large as possible, and preserve it for future use. No one has said that we shall find perfection in any man’s investigations, but this I do know, that our churches are dying for the want of teaching on the subject of righteousness by faith in Christ, and for kindred truths. {TDG 93.4}
亮光不论是谁传来的,我们都当本着基督谦柔的心打开心门接受。(《评论与通讯》1890年3月25日){TDG 93.4}
No matter by whom light is sent, we should open our hearts to receive it in the meekness of Christ.—The Review and Herald, March 25, 1890. {TDG 93.5}
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