一月八日 基督化的谦卑
Christian Humility, January 8
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:8. {TDG 16.1}
主长久容忍世人;在他们表示决心依照自己的判断而行的时候,主也允许他们这样做。我蒙指示看见堕落之人的软弱和愚昧,甚至在他的最佳状态也是这样。人若越深入研究,提高他对于主的旨意和作为的认识,他就会更加看出自己的愚昧来。这样就显明他比起初的确大有进步了。{TDG 16.1}
The Lord bears long with men, and when they manifest a determination to follow their own judgments, the Lord allows them to do so. I have been made to see the weakness and ignorance of fallen man, even in his best estate. As man goes deeper and deeper in his studies, improving in learning the will and ways of the Lord, he sees more of his own ignorance, thus revealing that he has made decided progress from the beginning. {TDG 16.2}
基督徒的生活越亲近上帝,他就越在心灵中蒙上帝的光照。他更清楚地感觉到自己的渺小,洞悉自己品格上的毛病,并依照上帝所提示的亮光看出自己的职责。他越亲近基督,就越直接而且清楚地感悟到他以前所没有注意到的自己的毛病,也看出实有在上帝大能膀臂之下自我谦卑的必要。如果得到提升了,那也绝不是由于自己的努力和自抬身价,而是因为主提拔他。他既然定睛注意基督耶稣的纯洁与完全,并在自己的一切作为上都承认并顺从上帝,那么,他对于自己的种种过失和缺点,就不再是盲目不明的了。他的行为在世人眼中虽然是无可厚非和无可责难的,但是上帝却洞察内心的意向和目的。{TDG 16.2}
The nearer the Christian lives to God, the more he advances in divine illumination of mind. He has more distinct sense of his own littleness, discerns his defects of character, and sees his duty in the light in which God presents it. The more closely he draws to Jesus, the more he has a near and clear sense of his own defects which had before escaped his notice, and he sees the necessity of humbling himself under the mighty hand of God. If lifted up it will not be because he lifts and exalts himself, but because the Lord exalts him. Having his eye fixed upon the purity and perfection of Christ Jesus, and acknowledging and obeying God in all his ways, he is not blinded to his own failures and imperfections. When his deportment in the eyes of men is unblamable and irreprovable, God reads the intents and purposes of the heart. {TDG 16.3}
Christian humility is a wonderful grace—the very antidote to the apostasy of Satan, which has unholy ambition and every delusion that he can frame. The grace of humility through Christ Jesus will make an imperfect man discern his imperfections and make him meet for the inheritance of the saints, where God is all and in all.... {TDG 16.4}
主不是已经责备过你的行为吗?……你原具有所托付的种种才能,可以大大地善用,在上帝的训练下发挥效能。这样,祂的义要走在你的前头,主的荣耀也在后面保护你。基督说:“离了我,你们就不能做什么”(约15:5)。你如果藐视祂的劝告,就陷入危险之中。(《信函》1892年21c号,1月6日){TDG 16.3}
Has not the Lord reproved your course? ... You have entrusted capabilities that may be improved greatly and be made efficacious under the discipline of God. Then His righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rereward. “Without me,” says Christ, “ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). If you set at naught His counsel, then you are in danger.—Letter 21c, January 8, 1892,. {TDG 16.5}
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