12月9日 乐意作成上天所指派的工作
To Complete My Heaven-Assigned Work with Joy, December 9
But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.Acts 20:24.{RRe 345.1}[1]
上帝是否已经召你作基督在地上的代表,替祂恳劝罪人与上帝和好呢?这是一项严肃崇高的工作。……你要成为活的荐信,为众人所知道,所念诵。不要考虑安逸,也不要思念享乐。拯救生灵才是最重要的主题。基督福音的执事所蒙召从事的,就是这项工作。(2T .705)[2]
Has God called you to be a representative of Christ upon earth, in His stead beseeching sinners to be reconciled to God? This is a solemn, exalted work.... You are to be a living epistle, known and read of all men. Ease is not to be consulted. Pleasure is not to be thought of. The salvation of souls is the all important theme. It is to this work that the minister of the gospel of Christ is called.—Testimonies for the Church 2:705.{RRe 345.2}[2]
作为他们的报偿,忠心的牧人会听到那大牧长说:“好,你这又良善又忠心的仆人。”那时,基督将把一顶荣耀的冠冕戴在他们头上,并邀请他们进来享受他们主人的快乐。那种快乐是什么呢?就是和基督一起看着得赎的圣徒,和祂一起回顾他们为生灵付出的劳苦,他们的克己和自我牺牲,他们放弃安逸和属世的利益,以及一切属世的诱惑,甘愿选择责骂、痛苦、自我降卑,令人疲惫不堪的劳苦和因世人反对上帝的忠告而带来精神上的痛苦;他们要回想起自己的心灵在上帝面前所受的磨炼,他们在祭坛和廊子中间的哭泣,他们成了一台戏,给世人和天使观看。所有这一切那时都结束了,他们也看见了自己劳苦的果效;藉他们在基督里的努力而得救的生灵。与基督同工的传道人进来享受他们主人的快乐,便感到心满意足了。(2T .709)[3]
As their reward, the faithful under-shepherds will hear from the Chief Shepherd, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” He will then place the crown of glory upon their heads, and bid them enter into the joy of their Lord. What is that joy? It is beholding with Christ the redeemed saints, reviewing with Him their travail for souls, their self-denial and self-sacrifice, their giving up of ease, of worldly gain, and every earthly inducement, and choosing the reproach, the suffering, the self-abasement, the wearing labor, and the anguish of spirit as men would oppose the counsel of God against their own souls; it is calling to remembrance the chastening of their souls before God, their weeping between the porch and the altar, and their becoming a spectacle unto the world, to angels, and to men. All this is then ended, and the fruits of their labors are seen, souls saved through their efforts in Christ. The ministers who have been co-workers with Christ, enter into the joy of their Lord, and are satisfied.—Testimonies for the Church 2:709.{RRe 345.3}[3]
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