4月21日 不要靠自己的想象
Not Relying on Our Own Imagination, April 21
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.1 Corinthians 2:4.{YRP 120.1}[1]
我看见有危险伴随着教会的每一个新经验,因为有人以这种错误的精神听到一些事情。有些教师虽然擅长于有效地讲授圣经的道理,但不一定有实际生活的知识,能给困惑中的心灵提供安全可靠的劝勉。他们看不出每一个行将动迁的家庭所面临的困境。所以人人都要谨慎说话。他们如果不知道上帝在某些事情上的心意,就决不要凭推测或猜想发言。他们若是不确知什么,就承认自己不知道,个人都要完全依靠上帝。要多祷告,甚至禁食,以便没有一个人行在黑暗中,而要行在光中,如同上帝在光中一样。{YRP 120.1}[2]
I have seen that danger attends every new phase of experience in the church, because some hear things with such a wrong spirit. While some teachers may be strong and efficient in teaching in the lines of Bible doctrines, they will not all be men who have a knowledge of practical life, and can advise perplexed minds with surety and safety. They do not discern the perplexing situation that must necessarily come to every family who shall make a change. Therefore let all be careful what they say; if they know not the mind of God in some matters, let them never speak from a guess or suppose so. If they know nothing definite, let them say so, and let the individual rely wholly upon God. Let there be much praying done, and even with fasting, that not one shall move in darkness, but move in the light as God is in the light.{YRP 120.2}[2]
我们可能期待在我们外面或内部迸发什么事;有些人的心思未受圣灵的恩典训练,没有实行基督的话语,不了解上帝之灵的运行,却愿遵循错误的行动方针,因为他们并不完全跟从耶稣。他们随从冲动和自己的想象。{YRP 120.2}[3]
We may look for anything now to break forth outside and within our ranks; and there are minds undisciplined by the grace of the Holy Spirit, that have not practiced the words of Christ, and who do not understand the movings of the Spirit of God, who will follow a wrong course of action because they do not follow Jesus fully. They follow impulse and their own imagination.{YRP 120.3}[3]
不要无序地行动,以免因煽动性的演讲所激起的热情而导致财产的巨大损失或牺牲,这不符合上帝的旨意,会使重要的胜利,因缺乏冷静的安排,适当的思考和纯正的原则与宗旨而变为失败。在这件事上,要有聪明的领导,一切都要在那位看不见的智慧 “策士”,就是上帝的引导下行动。人的因素总想抢夺上风,所做的工作不一定都带着上帝的印记。(《关于巴特尔克里克各项事务的特别证言》,17,18页.){YRP 120.3}[4]
Let there be nothing done in a disorderly manner, that there shall be a great loss or sacrifice made upon property because of ardent, impulsive speeches which stir up an enthusiasm which is not after the order of God, that a victory that was essential to be gained, shall, for lack of levelheaded moderation and proper contemplation, and sound principles and purposes, be turned into a defeat. Let there be wise generalship in this matter, and all move under the guidance of a wise, unseen Counselor, which is God. Elements that are human will struggle for the mastery, and there may be a work done that does not bear the signature of God.—Special Testimonies Relating to Various Matters in Battle Creek, 17, 18.{YRP 120.4}[4]
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