5月13日 上帝家中的年轻成员
With the Younger Members of God’s Family, May 13
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.Ecclesiastes 12:1.{YRP 142.1}[1]
天父赐给成年人的一切福气,祂也借着耶稣基督赐给儿童和青少年。主看见青少年学习基督的生平和教训时,就派祂的天使照管他们,在他们一切的道路上保守他们,正如祂曾派天使照管祂的爱子耶稣一样。天使曾照料耶稣在地上的生活,那时祂在上帝圣灵的引导之下,遵行天父的旨意,以便树立正确的品格样本,作儿童和青少年的榜样。祂希望他们在生活的每一个行动中都做上帝能嘉许的事。祂知道,他们的每一个好行为,每一个仁慈的举动,每一次顺从父母的表现,都会记录在天上的案卷中。{YRP 142.1}[2]
Every blessing the Father has provided for those of more mature experience has been provided for children and youth through Jesus Christ. When the Lord sees the youth studying the life and lessons of Christ, He gives His angels charge over them, to keep them in all their ways, as He gave His angels charge over Jesus, His beloved Son. The angels attended Jesus when He lived upon earth under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit, doing His heavenly Father’s will, that He might give a correct sample of character, that might be an example to children and youth. He desired that, in every action of their lives, they should do those things of which God could approve. He knew that every good work, every deed of kindness, every act of obedience to father and mother, would be registered in the books of heaven.{YRP 142.2}[2]
孝敬父母的人会得到奖赏,上帝的应许实现在他们身上,使他们在耶和华他们的上帝所赐的地上得以长久。孩子们要继续行善,祈求主因耶稣的功劳而赐给他们祂的恩典、祂的意念和祂美好的品格。凡是按照耶稣年幼的时期所树立的榜样塑造儿童和青少年的品格所必需的福气,上帝没有扣留一样。他们要本着单纯倚靠的信心,奉耶稣的名祈求祂品格的美惠,正如儿子向地上的父母求恩一样。{YRP 142.2}[3]
Those who honor their parents would reap a reward in the fulfillment of the promise that they should live long upon the land which the Lord their God giveth them. Children are to continue in well-doing, praying that through the merits of Jesus, the Lord will give them His grace, His mind, and His beauty of character. God has withheld no blessing that is necessary for shaping the character of children and youth after the divine pattern given them in the youth of Jesus. They are to ask for the graces of His character, in simple, trusting faith, and in the name of Jesus, just as a son asks a favor of his earthly parent.{YRP 142.3}[3]
亲爱的儿童和青少年,你们需要一颗新心。要向上帝求这个。祂说:“我也要赐给你们一个新心”(结36:26)。你们既然按着祂的旨意祈求了,就不要疑惑会不会得着;因为凡是上帝所应许的,祂都必定实现。你们若是以真痛悔的心而来,就不必觉得你祈求上帝所应许的事完全是冒昧。冒昧乃是祈求满足自私的倾向;祈求在属事物上的人间享乐。然而当你祈求你很需要的属灵福气以便依照基督的样式完善品格时,主就使你确信你是在按着必定实现的应许求。(YI.1894.8.23){YRP 142.3}[4]
Dear children and youth, you need a new heart. Ask God for this. He says, “A new heart also will I give you” (Ezekiel 36:26). When you have asked according to His will, doubt not that you will receive; for whatever God has promised, He will fulfill. If you come with true contrition of soul, you need not feel that you are at all presumptuous in asking for what God has promised. Presumption is asking for things to gratify selfish inclination; for human enjoyment in earthly things. But when you ask for the spiritual blessings you so much need in order that you may perfect a character after Christ’s likeness, the Lord assures you that you are asking according to a promise that will be verified.—The Youth’s Instructor, August 23, 1894.{YRP 142.4}[4]
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