6月8日 需要人的合作
Human Cooperation Essential, June 8
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher??Romans 10:13, 14.{YRP 168.1}[1]
上帝已在人们身上花费了惊人的牺牲,耗费了大量的精力,为要挽回人,使他们脱离罪恶和过犯,恢复忠诚和顺从;然而我一直蒙指示看到祂若没有人力的合作就一无所行。主已充分预备了各样恩典、能力和效率,并且提出最强有力的动机以激发和保持人心中活泼的传道精神,以便神能与人力结合。……{YRP 168.1}[2]
God has expended amazing sacrifices upon men, and mighty energies for the reclaiming of man from transgression and sin to loyalty and obedience; but I have been shown that He does nothing without the cooperation of human agencies. Every endowment of grace and power and efficiency has been liberally provided, and the strongest motives presented to arouse and keep living in the human heart the missionary spirit, that divine and human agency may be combined....{YRP 168.2}[2]
你们是怎么利用上帝的恩赐的呢?祂已将种种动力安置在你们心中,使你们能以忍耐和盼望警醒不倦地宣扬耶稣基督和祂被钉十字架,敲响警告的钟声,警告世人基督就要以能力和大荣耀复临,叫人们悔改己罪。……{YRP 168.2}[3]
What use have you made of the gift of God? He has supplied the motive forces of which He has made a lodgment in your hearts, that with patience and hope and untiring vigilance you might set forth Jesus Christ and Him crucified, that you might send the note of warning that Christ is coming the second time with power and great glory, calling men to repent of their sins....{YRP 168.3}[3]
圣灵是怎么在你们心上运行的呢?圣灵的活力激发你们运用上帝所赐的才干,每一个男人女人和青少年都应该使用这些才干去宣扬现代真理,做出个人的努力,进入还从未扬起真理旗帜的各城。上帝既已赐给你福气,难道没有振奋你的精神,将真理更加深刻地印在你的心灵上,使你感受到真理与基督之外的将亡生灵的重要关系吗?你在得到上帝明显的赐福之后,有没有更加明确更加坚决地为基督作见证呢?{YRP 168.3}[4]
How did the Holy Spirit work upon your hearts? By the energies of the Holy Spirit it was stimulating you to the exercise of the talents God has given you, that every man and woman and youth should employ them to set forth the truth for this time, making personal efforts, going into the cities where truth has never been and lifting the standard. In the blessing God has bestowed upon you, have not your energies been quickened, and the truth been more deeply impressed upon your soul, and its important relation to perishing souls out of Christ? Are ye witnesses for Christ in a more distinct and decided manner, after the manifest revealing of God’s blessing upon you?{YRP 168.4}[4]
圣灵的职责是使你们心中明白至关重要的真理。要将这种非常的禀赋包在布里埋在地里吗?不要,不要,而要把它交给兑换银钱的人;人的才干无论多么微小,若是加以利用,圣灵就会重新向人阐明属上帝的事。祂使被人忽视的道成为使人有生机的媒介。圣经藉着圣灵振奋和加强人心,不是由于人的聪明和教育才能,而是由于神能与人力同工,一切功劳都属于上帝。(HM.1893.11.1){YRP 168.4}[5]
The Holy Spirit’s office is to bring decidedly to your minds the important, vital truths. Is this extra endowment to be bound up in a napkin and hidden in the earth? No, no, it is to be put out to the exchangers; and as man uses his talents, however small, the Holy Spirit takes the things of God, and presents them anew to the mind. He makes the neglected Word to be a vivifying agency. Through the Spirit, it is quick and powerful upon human minds, not because of the smartness, the educational power of the human agency, but because the divine power works with the human, and to the divine belongs all the credit.—The Home Missionary, November 1, 1893.{YRP 168.5}[5]
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