7月5日 上帝所赐的信心
A God-given Faith, July 5
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit.1 Corinthians 12:9.{YRP 195.1}[1]
信心也是上帝的恩赐。信心是人的悟性认同上帝的话,就心系于主甘心事奉祂。人的悟性若不属于上帝,那属于谁呢?人的心若不归属上帝,那会归属谁呢?有信心就是将上帝赐给我们的聪明才智与能力献给祂;所以凡运用信心的人不会将任何功劳归给自己。凡坚信天父,无限信任祂,凭着信心超越坟墓,到达永恒之境的人,必然对他们的创造主承认说:“万物都从祢而来,我们把从祢而得的献给祢”(代上29:14)。{YRP 195.1}[2]
Faith, too, is the gift of God. Faith is the assent of man’s understanding to God’s words, that binds the heart to God’s service. And whose is man’s understanding, if it be not God’s? Whose the heart, if it be not God’s? To have faith is to render to God the intellect, the energy, that we have received from Him; therefore those who exercise faith do not themselves deserve any credit. Those who believe so firmly in a heavenly Father that they can trust Him with unlimited confidence; those who by faith can reach beyond the grave to the eternal realities beyond, must pour forth to their Maker the confession “All things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee” (1 Chronicles 29:14).{YRP 195.2}[2]
任何人都无权说他是属于自己的。没有人可以说,任何好的东西是他自己的。每一个人,每一件物品,都是主的财产。人从天上所领受的一切恩惠依然是属于主的。凡帮助人成为上帝圣工中聪明工人的任何知识,都来自上帝,应当分给同胞,好使他们也成为宝贵的工人。那些得着上帝非凡恩赐的人应藉着将他所得福分的好处白白分给他人,而将他所领受的归还上帝的府库。上帝就这样得到了尊荣。……{YRP 195.2}[3]
No man has a right to call himself his own. And no man possesses any good thing that he can call his own. Every man, every thing, is the property of the Lord. All that man receives from the bounty of heaven is still the Lord’s. Whatever knowledge he has that in any way helps him to be an intelligent workman in God’s cause is from the Lord, and should be imparted by him to his fellow men, in order that they, too, may become valuable workmen. He to whom God has entrusted unusual gifts should return to the Lord’s storehouse that which he has received, by freely giving to others the benefit of his blessings. Thus God will be honored and glorified....{YRP 195.3}[3]
上天所赐的才能不应该用于自私的目的。一切精力和才智都应当用在主的圣工中荣耀上帝。祂的恩赐,应该交给兑换银钱的人,好使祂能连本带利的收回。那使人有资格从事圣工的才干,乃是托付给他,不仅使他可以成为一个蒙悦纳的工人,也使他能教导那些在某些方面不足的人。(RH.1904.12.1){YRP 195.3}[4]
Heavenly bestowed capabilities should not be made to serve selfish ends. Every energy, every endowment, is a talent that should contribute to God’s glory by being used in His service. His gifts are to be put out to the exchangers, that He may receive His own, with usury. The talents that fit a man for service are entrusted to him not only that he may be an acceptable worker himself, but that he may also be enabled to teach others who in some respects are deficient.—The Review and Herald, December 1, 1904.{YRP 195.4}[4]
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