8月20日 医疗布道
The Medical Ministry, August 20
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.Acts 10:38.{YRP 241.1}[1]
我们的任务是明确的。上帝怎样差遣祂的独生子到世界上来,基督照样也差遣我们这些祂的门徒,担任医疗布道工作者。在完成这项崇高圣洁的任务时,我们应当遵行上帝的旨意。在进行真正的医疗布道工作的时候,我们不可以任何人的思想和见解作为标准。……{YRP 241.1}[2]
Our work is clearly defined. As the Father sent His only-begotten Son into our world, even so Christ sends us, His disciples, as His medical missionary workers. In fulfilling this high and holy mission, we are to do the will of God. No one man’s mind or judgment is to be our criterion of what constitutes genuine medical missionary work....{YRP 241.2}[2]
真正的医疗布道工作是从天上来的。它不是任何世上的人所发明的。可是我们在这项工作中看到这么多羞辱上帝的事,以致于我要奉命说:医疗布道工作是上帝所指派的,是一项最光荣的任务。这项工作的一切方面都应与基督的工作一致。那些与上帝同工的人应当表现基督的品格,就象基督在世时表现天父的品格一样。{YRP 241.2}[3]
True medical missionary work is of heavenly origin. It was not originated by any person who lives. But in connection with this work we see so much which dishonors God that I am instructed to say, The medical missionary work is of divine origin, and has a most glorious mission to fulfill. In all its bearings it is to be in conformity with Christ’s work. Those who are workers together with God will just as surely represent the character of Christ as Christ represented the character of His Father while in this world.{YRP 241.3}[3]
我蒙指示:上帝希望在医疗布道工作中清除一切世俗的污点,把它的真正面目表现在世人面前。这项工作若采纳了危害心灵的计划,其影响力就会荡然无存。所以在推展医疗布道工作时出现了许多难题需要我们仔细考虑。……{YRP 241.3}[4]
I am instructed to say that God will have the medical missionary work cleansed from the tarnish of earthliness, and elevated to stand in its true position before the world. When schemes that imperil souls are brought into connection with this work, its influence is destroyed. This is why there have arisen in the carrying forward of medical missionary work many perplexities that demand our careful consideration....{YRP 241.4}[4]
在我们这个阶段的工作中,理解和实行人间最大的医疗布道士所交托的任务,认识到这项工作是何等神圣,与那伟大医疗布道士的一生工作又何等的一致,这会给我们带来莫大的帮助。我们工作的目的与基督工作的目的是一样的。上帝为什么差祂的儿子到堕落的世界上来呢?是为了向世人表显祂对他们的爱。基督来作救赎主。祂要通过祂的服务,实行祂拯救罪人的使命。(MM 24){YRP 241.4}[5]
Nothing will help us more at this stage of our work than to understand and to fulfill the mission of the greatest Medical Missionary that ever trod the earth; nothing will help us more than to realize how sacred is this kind of work and how perfectly it corresponds with the lifework of the Great Missionary. The object of our mission is the same as the object of Christ’s mission. Why did God send His Son to the fallen world? To make known and to demonstrate to mankind His love for them. Christ came as a Redeemer. Throughout His ministry He was to keep prominent His mission to save sinners.—Medical Ministry, 24.{YRP 241.5}[5]
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