8月23日 健康饮食服务
The Health Food Ministry, August 23
And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.Matthew 14:15, 16.{YRP 244.1}[1]
我有重要的话语要对那些将要从事健康食品业务的人说。要有一种完全不同的特色带入我们食品店、餐馆和我们的食品生产所经手的各方面工作中。这项工作必须开展为福音的一个手段,光照那些还没有献身归主的人。那些经手这些食品的人天天需要主的劝勉,祂曾为五千饥饿的人创造食物。我们的食品店和餐馆必须开办得没有经济损失。我们不要忘记,这方面的工作需要存活。但是必须根除一切败坏的影响。{YRP 244.1}[2]
I have earnest words to speak to those who shall engage in the health food business. There is to be an entirely different feature brought into the work of our food stores, restaurants, and into every line in which our food productions are handled. This work must be carried forward as a means of gospel enlightenment to those who have not given themselves to the Lord. Those who handle these foods need daily the counsel of the One who created food for the five thousand hungry men. The work of our food stores and restaurants must be carried on in such a way that there will be no loss financially. We must not forget that this line of work needs to live. But all corrupting influences must be weeded out from it.{YRP 244.2}[2]
我们必须一直在有收获的一边。但是我们开展这项工作若是不得不牺牲正义、怜悯的原则和上帝的爱,又有什么用处呢?若是通过这工作的影响,没有人得到启迪,预备好把握圣经,以之为自己的灵粮,那么开展这工作有什么用处呢?应该敦促那些参与这种工作的人,必需叫他们所接触的人注意到源出于天的真理。{YRP 244.2}[3]
Keep on the gaining side we must. But what is the use of carrying on this work if we have to sacrifice principles of justice, mercy, and the love of God? What is the use of carrying it on if through its influence, no souls are enlightened and prepared to lay hold upon the Word that is their spiritual food? Upon those connected with this work there should be urged the necessity of calling the attention of the people with whom they are brought into contact to the truths of heavenly origin.{YRP 244.3}[3]
应该指定无论得时不得时都有资格发言,且能将真理启迪人心的人从事健康食品工作。需要有特别的智慧才能懂得何时发言,何时保持沉默。每一个工人都要多多祈求属灵的悟性。(HFM 89){YRP 244.3}[4]
There should be appointed to the health food work men who are well qualified to speak words in season, and out of season, and who can enlighten the minds of men and women in regard to the truth. Special wisdom is needed in order to understand when to speak, and when to keep silent. Let each worker pray much for spiritual understanding.—The Health Food Ministry, 89.{YRP 244.4}[4]
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