9月10日 大卫
David, September 10
Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said, The spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.2 Samuel 23:1, 2.{YRP 262.1}[1]
谁能估计大卫那些年间在寂寞的山中辛劳飘泊的收获呢?他与大自然和上帝交通,在他卑微的命分中看守着他的羊群,以及他所遭遇所逃脱的危险,所经的忧愁,所享的喜乐,不但塑造了他的品格,影响了他将来的生活,而也曾藉着这以色列歌手所写的诗篇,在后世上帝的子民心中燃起信心和爱心来,使他们更亲近那万物藉以生存的永爱之主。{YRP 262.1}[2]
Who can measure the results of those years of toil and wandering among the lonely hills? The communion with nature and with God, the care of his flocks, the perils and deliverances, the griefs and joys, of his lowly lot, were not only to mold the character of David and to influence his future life, but through the psalms of Israel’s sweet singer they were in all coming ages to kindle love and faith in the hearts of God’s people, bringing them nearer to the ever-loving heart of Him in whom all His creatures live.{YRP 262.2}[2]
大卫在青年时期的优美和精力之中,正准备担任一个崇高的地位,与世上最高贵的伟人并驾齐驱。他用他的才能,就是上帝所赐给他最宝贵的恩赐,来颂扬那厚赐恩典之上帝的荣耀。他深思默想的机会,使他在智慧和敬虔上格外丰富起来,使他得蒙上帝和天使的喜悦。当他思念创造主的完全时,他对上帝就有了更清楚的认识。晦涩的题目得了启迪,艰深难懂的事物得以明了,困惑矛盾的问题得以协调;每一线新的光芒使他发出新的乐音,写出更美妙的诗章,归荣耀给他的上帝和救赎主。{YRP 262.2}[3]
David, in the beauty and vigor of his young manhood, was preparing to take a high position with the noblest of the earth. His talents, as precious gifts from God, were employed to extol the glory of the divine Giver. His opportunities of contemplation and meditation served to enrich him with that wisdom and piety that made him beloved of God and angels. As he contemplated the perfections of his Creator, clearer conceptions of God opened before his soul. Obscure themes were illuminated, difficulties were made plain, perplexities were harmonized, and each ray of new light called forth fresh bursts of rapture, and sweeter anthems of devotion, to the glory of God and the Redeemer.{YRP 262.3}[3]
那感动着他的慈爱,那环绕着他的忧伤,和那追随着他的胜利,──这一切都是他活泼的思想所充满的题旨;当他在自己生活的一切遭遇中看到上帝的爱时,他的心就涌出了更热烈的崇拜和感谢,他的口就唱出更富丽的歌曲,他的琴就奏出更欢乐的音调,于是这个牧童就力上加力,智上加智,因为有耶和华的灵在他身上。(PP 642){YRP 262.3}[4]
The love that moved him, the sorrows that beset him, the triumphs that attended him, were all themes for his active thought; and as he beheld the love of God in all the providences of his life, his heart throbbed with more fervent adoration and gratitude, his voice rang out in a richer melody, his harp was swept with more exultant joy; and the shepherd boy proceeded from strength to strength, from knowledge to knowledge; for the Spirit of the Lord was upon him.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 642.{YRP 262.4}[4]
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