9月16日 约西亚与户勒大
Josiah and Huldah, September 16
Go ye, inquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found: for great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us.2 Kings 22:13.{YRP 268.1}[1]
约西亚在青年时期利用他作王的地位,来高举上帝神圣律法的原则。这时,文士沙番将律法书念给王听。王看出这一卷书乃是一个知识的宝库,是他所极愿成就的改革工作的有力武器。他决心要遵行其中的训诲,尽力使百姓熟悉其中的教训,并在可能的范围内引导他们尊重并爱慕上天的律法。{YRP 268.1}[2]
Josiah, from his earliest manhood, had endeavored to take advantage of his position as king to exalt the principles of God’s holy law. And now, while Shaphan the scribe was reading to him out of the book of the law, the king discerned in this volume a treasure of knowledge, a powerful ally, in the work of reform he so much desired to see wrought in the land. He resolved to walk in the light of its counsels, and also to do all in his power to acquaint his people with its teachings, and to lead them, if possible, to cultivate reverence and love for the law of heaven.{YRP 268.2}[2]
但他确能完成所需要的改革吗?根据他所读的这本书,他知道以色列几乎已经超越了上帝忍耐的限度。上帝很快就要起来刑罚那些曾经侮辱祂名的人。这时上帝的忿怒已经向祂的百姓发作了。因此约西亚悲痛惊惶万分,撕裂了自己的衣服,以忧伤的灵跪在上帝面前,求祂赦免这个怙恶不悛的国家。{YRP 268.2}[3]
But was it possible to bring about the needed reform? From all that he could learn from the reading of the volume before him, Israel had almost reached the limit of divine forbearance; soon God would arise to punish those who had brought dishonor upon His name. Already the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people. Overwhelmed with sorrow and dismay, Josiah rent his garments, and bowed before God in agony of spirit, seeking pardon for the sins of an impenitent nation.{YRP 268.3}[3]
那时有女先知户勒大住在耶路撒冷靠近圣殿的地方。国王既满心焦虑,就想起她来,并决心要藉这一位蒙拣选的使者求问耶和华,为要得知他是否还能在千钧一发之际挽救犹大免于败亡。{YRP 268.3}[4]
At that time the prophetess Huldah was living in Jerusalem, near the Temple. The mind of the king, filled with anxious foreboding, reverted to her; and he determined to inquire of the Lord through this chosen messenger, to learn, if possible, whether by any means within his power he might save erring Judah, now on the verge of ruin.{YRP 268.4}[4]
因当时形势的严重,以又因他对于女先知的尊敬,所以他拣选国内最高的官长去谒见。王吩咐他们说:“你们去,为我、为民、为犹大众人,以这书上的话求问耶和华;因为我们列祖没有听从这书上的言语,没有遵着书上所吩咐我们的去行,耶和华就向我们大发烈怒”(王下22:13)。(RH.1915.7.22){YRP 268.4}[5]
The gravity of the situation, and the respect in which he held the prophetess, led him to choose as his messengers to her the first men of the kingdom. “Go ye,” he bade them, “inquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found: for great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us.”—The Review and Herald, July 22, 1915.{YRP 268.5}[5]
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