9月29日 自养传道的百基拉和亚居拉
Aquila and Priscilla: Self-supporting Missionaries, September 29
Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.Romans 16:3, 4.{YRP 281.1}[1]
保罗留下一个榜样,反驳了当时在教会中渐渐得势的看法,就是认为惟有那些完全摆脱体力劳动的人,才能从事传福音的工作。他用实际的行动说明献身的信徒在许多还没有听到福音真理的地方可以有何等的成就。他的榜样鼓舞了许多谦卑的劳动者,使他们愿意尽其所能去推进上帝的圣工,而同时依然每日辛劳来维持自己的生活。{YRP 281.1}[2]
Paul set an example against the sentiment, then gaining influence in the church, that the gospel could be proclaimed successfully only by those who were wholly freed from the necessity of physical toil. He illustrated in a practical way what might be done by consecrated laymen in many places where the people were unacquainted with the truths of the gospel. His course inspired many humble toilers with a desire to do what they could do to advance the cause of God, while at the same time they supported themselves in daily labor.{YRP 281.2}[2]
亚居拉和百基拉并没有蒙召奉献全部的光阴参加福音的工作;但上帝却用这两个谦卑的工人将真理的道更完全地指示亚波罗。上帝使用各样不同的器皿来成全祂的旨意;固然有一些具有特别才能的人蒙召奉献全部精力从事宣传并教导福音的工作,但也有许多没有受过按手礼而分别为圣的人蒙召在救灵的事工上担任重要的职务。{YRP 281.2}[3]
Aquila and Priscilla were not called to give their whole time to the ministry of the gospel, yet these humble laborers were used by God to show Apollos the way of truth more perfectly. The Lord employs various instrumentalities for the accomplishment of His purpose, and while some with special talents are chosen to devote all their energies to the work of teaching and preaching the gospel, many others, upon whom human hands have never been laid in ordination, are called to act an important part in soulsaving.{YRP 281.3}[3]
在自养传道的工人面前,展开一片广大的工作园地。许多人可以一面传福音,一面从事手艺,因而获得宝贵的经验。这种方法可以培养一些强有力的工人在有需要的地区担任重要的工作。{YRP 281.3}[4]
There is a large field open before the self-supporting gospel worker. Many may gain valuable experiences in ministry while toiling a portion of the time at some form of manual labor, and by this method strong workers may be developed for important service in needy fields.{YRP 281.4}[4]
一个“劳苦传道教导人”(提前5:17)的克己的上帝仆人,他心上是常压着沉重担子的。他不以钟点来计算自己的工作。他所得薪水的多少不足以影响他的努力。他也不因环境不利而偏离自己的本分。他的使命既是从上天领受的,所以当他完成那交托他的任务时,他也要指望从上天得到他的报赏。(AA 355){YRP 281.4}[5]
The self-sacrificing servant of God who labors untiringly in word and doctrine carries on his heart a heavy burden. He does not measure his work by hours. His wages do not influence him in his labor, nor is he turned from his duty because of unfavorable conditions. From heaven he received his commission, and to heaven he looks for his recompense when the work entrusted to him is done.—The Acts of the Apostles, 355, 356.{YRP 281.5}[5]
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