10月9日 开启心门
Opening the Heart, October 9
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.John 15:5.{YRP 291.1}[1]
主希望人成为神圣影响力的仓库。成就上帝计划的唯一障碍,乃是人对生命的光关闭心门。背道导致圣灵从人身上撤回,但是通过救赎的计划,这个属天的福分要重新赐给诚心寻求的人。主应许将所有的好东西都赐给祈求祂的人。这些好东西要随着圣灵的恩赐而来。{YRP 291.1}[2]
The Lord desires to make man the repository of divine influence, and the only thing that hinders the accomplishment of God’s designs is that men close their hearts to the Light of life. Apostasy caused the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from man, but through the plan of redemption this blessing of heaven is to be restored to those who sincerely desire it. The Lord has promised to give all good things to those who ask Him, and all good things are defined as given with the gift of the Holy Spirit.{YRP 291.2}[2]
我们越发现自己真正的需要、真正的贫穷,就越渴望圣灵的恩赐。我们的心灵将得到改变,不是进入野心和自以为是的管道,而要进入认真恳求属天光照的管道。由于我们没有看见自己的需要,不认识自己的贫穷,所以就没有恳切祈求,仰望那为我们的信心创始成终的耶稣赐下福分。……{YRP 291.2}[3]
The more we discover our real need, our real poverty, the more will we desire the gift of the Holy Spirit; our souls will be turned, not into the channel of ambition and presumption, but into the channel of earnest supplication for the enlightenment of heaven. It is because we do not see our need, do not realize our poverty, that we do not pour forth earnest entreaties, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, for the bestowal of the blessing....{YRP 291.3}[3]
耶稣说:“你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门”(太7:7)。这种祈求与我们对所追求属灵事物重要性与价值的认识是相称的。耶稣说:“离了我,你们就不能做什么”(约15:5)。然而许多人认为,人可以凭自己有限的力量和智慧做许多事。撒但正准备提供他的建议,好在生命的博奕中攫取人的灵魂。{YRP 291.3}[4]
Jesus has said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). It is in proportion to our appreciation of the necessity and value of spiritual things that we seek for their attainment. “Without me ye can do nothing,” says Jesus, and yet many think that man can do very much in his own finite strength and wisdom. Satan is ready to offer his counsel that he may win souls in the game of life.{YRP 291.4}[4]
人如果认识不到需要与弟兄商量,那就错了。他们靠的是自己的智慧。弟兄互相商讨是很重要的。在过去四十五年里,我一直被迫强调这一点。主一次又一次地指示,在上帝的圣工中肩负重任的人,不可独断独行,而要互相商讨。(2MR.333){YRP 291.4}[5]
When men do not feel the need of counseling with their brethren, something is wrong; they trust to their wisdom. It is essential that brethren should counsel together. This I have been compelled to urge for the last forty-five years. Again and again the instruction has been repeated that those who are engaged in important work in the cause of God should not walk in their own ideas, but counsel together.—Manuscript Releases 2:333.{YRP 291.5}[5]
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