11月23日 表现慷慨和慈善
Liberality and Benevolence Shown, November 23
“我可以证明:他们是按着力量,而且也过了力量,自己甘心乐意地捐助。 再三地求我们,准他们在这供给圣徒的恩情上有份”(林后8:3,4)。[1]
For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves; praying us with much entreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints.2 Corinthians 8:3, 4.{YRP 336.1}[1]
基督死后,福音工作发展扩大,需要更多的物资来维持这场战争,因此这施舍的律法比古时希伯来政权所实行的更感迫切需要。现今上帝所要求的,不是减少,而是要更多的礼物,过于祂在任何世代所要的。基督所定的原则,乃是礼物及供物与人所享受的亮光及福惠相称。祂说:“因为多给谁,就向谁多取;多托谁,就向谁多要”(路12:48)。{YRP 336.1}[2]
The gospel, extending and widening, required greater provisions to sustain the warfare since the death of Christ, and this made the law of almsgiving a more urgent necessity than under the Hebrew government. Now God requires, not less gifts, but greater than at any other period of the world. The principle laid down by Christ is that the gifts and offerings should be in proportion to the light and blessings enjoyed. He has said, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48).{YRP 336.2}[2]
基督教时代的福气,表现在早期门徒的慈心善行上。基督离开门徒升天之后,圣灵沛然大降,使他们为别人的得救克己牺牲。当耶路撒冷的贫穷圣徒处于困境之时,保罗写信给外邦基督徒,提出了慈善工作,说:“你们既然在信心,口才,知识,热心,和待我们的爱心上,都格外显出满足来,就当在这慈惠的事上,也格外显出满足来”(林后8:7)。这里把慈善工作与信心,爱心,及基督徒的热心等同列。{YRP 336.2}[3]
The blessings of the Christian age were responded to by the first disciples in works of charity and benevolence. The outpouring of the Spirit of God, after Christ left His disciples and ascended to heaven, led to self-denial, and self-sacrifice for the salvation of others. When the poor saints at Jerusalem were in distress, Paul writes to the Gentile Christians in regard to works of benevolence, and says, “Therefore, as ye abound in everything, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also” (2 Corinthians 8:7). Here benevolence is placed by the side of faith, love, and Christian diligence.{YRP 336.3}[3]
人对上帝要他们慷慨的呼求,紧闭自己的耳与心,而竟以为仍能作良好的基督徒,这真是惊人的自欺。有些人虽然在口头上多方承认很爱真理,并且在言语上表示对真理的进展极感兴趣,而实际上对真理的进展却没有做什么。这等人的信心没有因着行为得以成全,乃是死的。主决不会犯这样的错误,即让一个人悔改,而又让他受制于贪婪的权势。(RH.1874.8.25){YRP 336.3}[4]
Those who think that they can be good Christians, and close their ears and hearts to the calls of God for their liberalities, are in a fearful deception. There are those who abound in a profession of great love for the truth, and as far as words are concerned, have an interest to see the truth advance, but do nothing for its advancement. The faith of such is dead, not being made perfect by works. The Lord never made such a mistake as to convert a soul, and leave [that soul] under the power of covetousness.—The Review and Herald, August 25, 1874.{YRP 336.4}[4]
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