11月25日 扫除自私和虚伪
Selfishness and Dishonesty Swept Away, November 25
And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.Acts 2:43-45.{YRP 338.1}[1]
我们的教会缺乏圣灵,并不是在上帝方面有什么限制。这种缺乏的现象只能由教会来改变。上帝对祂的子民说:“你们要醒来,关心圣洁的事。”我们的信心在哪里?我们在什么事上与耶稣基督保持正确的关系?我们是否以自制和稳定的心态跟随祂?我们是否以悟性来传讲真理?当上帝将圣灵倾降于教会时,教会将结出圣灵的果子来荣耀祂。以大能磨利的圣灵宝剑,乃是两刃的利器。{YRP 338.1}[2]
It is not because of niggardliness on the part of God that there is a dearth of the Holy Spirit in our churches. This dearth, the churches alone can change. God says to His people, “Arouse and create an interest in holy things. “Where is our faith? Wherein do we sustain a proper relation to Jesus Christ? Do we follow Him in self-denial and stability? Do we talk the truth with the understanding? When God pours out His Spirit upon the churches, they will bear fruit to His glory. The sword of the Spirit, newly edged with power, will cut both ways.{YRP 338.2}[2]
在上帝的葡萄园中,要进行认真的工作。第三位天使的信息,要以响亮的声音传遍全地。任何会滋生不诚实的小事,以及自私的丝毫表现,都将为晚雨所扫荡。所有的偶像都要摧毁。每一座祭坛都要拆除,只留下使礼物和奉献者成圣的祭坛——髑髅地的十字架。{YRP 338.2}[3]
In God’s vineyard there is earnest work to be done. The third angel’s message is to be proclaimed with a loud voice over the land. Every vestige of business that breeds dishonesty, every thread of selfishness, is to be swept away by the latter rain. All idolatry is to be consumed. Let every altar be thrown down, save the one that sanctifies the gift and the giver—the cross of Calvary.{YRP 338.3}[3]
新的版图要并入上帝的国。道德葡萄园的新土地要开垦出来成为主的花园。上帝律法的尊严,要在未曾堕落的诸世界,在全宇宙和堕落的人类面前得到维护。最严厉的逼迫即将来临,但当锡安兴起,穿上华美的衣袍时,她将焕发出圣洁的美。上帝的计划是让我们获得更多的能力和生命,因为祂的荣光笼罩着教会。真理如果被人接受,丑陋的荒地将会消失。基督的话对于接受的人来说,就是永生。(BTS.1903.12.1){YRP 338.3}[4]
New territory is to be added to God’s kingdom. New tracts of moral vineyard are to be cultivated as the garden of the Lord. The honor of the law of God is to be vindicated before the unfallen worlds, before the heavenly universe, and before the fallen world. The bitterest persecution will come, but when Zion arises, and puts on her beautiful garments, she will shine forth in the beauty of holiness. God designs us to have more life and more power, because the glory of God has risen upon the church. If the truth is received, unsightly barrenness will not continue to exist. Christ’s Word is eternal life to the receiver.—Bible Training School, December 1, 1903.{YRP 338.4}[4]
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